Canto II: The Reuniting

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AN: I hope that the sinners, along with Dante, Charon, and Vergilius aren't too OOC...

Also, Don..... I struggled with her... She speaks in archaic terms and uses Middle and Old English.

English isn't my first language and I'm not an expert on it... so I just decided to do some research.

As for the Tower of God, I have watched season 1 and waiting for every episode of Season 2 right now. At the same time, I am reading the Webtoon.

Canto II: The Reuniting

The gates of Hell are open night and day;
Smooth the descent, and easy is the way:
But to return, and view the cheerful skies,
In this task and mighty labor lies - Virgil


   The view of a beautiful blue sky welcomed them upon their arrival on the 2nd floor of the tower.


And then a familiar ringing voice that usually spells trouble for themselves and the rest of the sinners. But at this time, the familiar voice of the troublemaking Don Quixote who was an avid aficionado of all things fixer brings nothing but relief.

" Where has thou disappeared?!! Let's go and climb the Tower!! A grand journey awaits thee!  "

' They are here. '

Several footsteps started approaching them.

" Dante. "

The usual all-knowing Faust

" Finally, you're here Dante!~ I am getting bored waiting. Where can we go and eat food? "


" We are in an unknown place. It's good that you are here. The others are worried when we can't find you. "


" Oi, Clock head. Did you encounter some weird rabbit? "


" Manager you're arrival is perfect as always. Let's start making plans to get out of this place. With you on our side, I'm sure that any problems in this Tower will be solved. You have what it takes to lead us. "

Outis, with her usual excessive praise and bootlicking.

" Manager. Please give your orders. "


" Once again, stars align. "

Yi Sang

" Bud, I'm worried about your test. I am glad that you're alright. "


" Dante is here. We could explore the tower together. I wonder what would we see? I'm looking forward to it."

Hong Lu

" D. T. R. G. E. O. H. T. "


" Umm... Good to see you again, Manager! I'm Relieved. ..  Miss Ryoshu is asking " Did the rabbit get easy on his test? " ... Mr. Headon is scary. Did he feel like a distortion to you, Manager? "


Gregor and Rodya helped them get up from the ground. They realize that they are lying down on the grass. They are currently in a wheat field. Glancing at Sinclair, they answered.

{ It's one of my guesses. But I concluded that Headon isn't a distortion. He doesn't feel like one. }

While looking at the Sinners, Dante heard two more footsteps approaching them at the back.

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