Canto III: The Mirroring

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AN: Here's the update. New POV

Canto III: The Mirroring

I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself. - Franz Kafka (The Metamorphosis)


Once again, the black box begins speaking

{ Congratulations to the Regulars that passed. Sadly, some participants have been very enthusiastic about passing the test leaving the minimum passing requirements to 100. }

Eris could feel her heart beating fast and hurting. Not too far from her was a strange and terrifying group of people. Talking enthusiastically beside their vehicle. There are 3 among them that were uniquely dressed. But most of them are dressed in the same type of attire with some slight tweakings.

With their clothing and proximity to each other, there's no doubt that this group of 15 individuals is associated with each other.

' It's unfair. '

She thinks.

None of her acquaintances managed to make it here. And this strange group of people have each other.

While she was observing them, one of the strange individuals glanced in her direction. She quickly pushed the hood of her clothes even further to her face and glanced at the other regulars instead. She was afraid that she would offend them and managed to get herself killed.

The person who glanced at her was one of the oldest in the group. A guy wearing glasses and having stubble on his face. The most interesting thing is one of his arms.

A bug arm. Eris at first was uncomfortable at the sight of the bug arm. But she remembered her current plight. She has no right to be uncomfortable when they were basically the same. A defective.

That person is perhaps a half breed like her. Unlike being a breed between 2 humanoids, that person is perhaps a breed between a human and nonhuman one. Maybe, Eris is just making an assumption.

He wasn't perhaps like her at all. He was doing well compared to her. She can't do anything. Her purpose, function and trait is non existent.

She is a useless guide.

Once again, Eris is assaulted by the pain in her heart. She coughed and breathed hard. Since encountering this group of people, her heart hasn't stopped aching.

{ Any regulars fighting right now would be disqualified. Now, a second test would begin immediately. The challenge is called getting teammates. Form a group. 3 regulars are within a group. There was only 100 Regulars, it was unfortunate that there would be 1 regular to be eliminated. The only one that wouldn't passed. }

Eris hearing the announcement felt a cold dread within her. She doesn't want to be the one who would be eliminated.

{ You only have 5 minutes and you need to touch any part of your teammates body until the time runs out to be considered as teammates. }

Who would choose her?

{ Ah, additionally, there would be penalties for the 3 certain regulars who have lessened the numbers of Regulars quite a lot. Hmmm... Regular Ryoshu, Heathcliff and Don Quixote. The 3 of you need to choose an unacquainted and unfamiliar regular to be your teammate. }

There was a ruckus among the strange group when they heard the announcement.

{ Thankfully, we are generous enough to allow one familiar acquaintance to be on your team. Now the timer starts now. Regulars who failed to form a group would be eliminated. }

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