Ch: 13 ♥️Heartslabyal Pt 11♥️

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(Kai POV)

'Where am I?'

I opened my eyes to see my surroundings, which wasn't much to say the least. The area around was just simply a white empty space. Looking around I suddenly felt something walk around my feet, I look down to see Aki looking up at me.

"Aki? What's up? Is this the spirit world?" I ask her to which she responds shaking her head no. Aki would sometimes come with me in the spirit world when ever I visited there, she actually gets along with a lot of spirits whenever we visit there. 

Aki meows and points to a certain direction, "You want me to follow you?" I ask again as she nods. I follow her lead until I could see a a figure in the distance who appeared to be crying. As we got closer I could that it was Riddle crying to himself with his head on his hands. 

I hear Aki meow again and look at her to see her looking at the scene in front of me. All the empty space disappeared leaving us in a small looking dining room that showed a woman with similar features to Riddle who I assume is his mother and a small child that's probably as Riddle as a child.

'They probably can't see me'

"Congratulations on your 8th birthday, Riddle" says his mother "For this year, your birthday cake is a sugar-free one filled with nuts. It's made from soy flour with lots of lecithin since it's good for the brain."

"Thank you, Mama. But, um, I..." the young Riddle says smiling weakly at his mother "Just once is okay, but... I want to eat a tart filled with lots of red strawberries..." he asks his mum.

"My, how can you say that! Desserts filled with sugar like that is basically like poison for the body" his mum answers basically scaring the poor boy. "Just one slice will make you exceed your quota of calorie consumption. Come now, this one is filled with docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. It's much healthier" his mum explains to him.

"Ah, but the recommended calorie intake for an 8-year old is... It's only 600kcal for one meal, so don't eat more than 100 grams, understood?

"... Yes, Mama..."

'What made her so pissy to be this strict'

"I've always wanted to eat tarts filled with red strawberries. Just like the one displayed on the shop window of the bakery that we pass by."

I stare at the young Riddle with sadness as the scenery changes to him with his mum at a table with many books about magic and academics with no form of entertainment to be seen.

"That is all for your lessons on classical magic. Read the next 50 pages required for your next magic lessons tomorrow. Now then, you have 1 hour for yourself before your next lesson begins" his mother says "Yes, Mother" Riddle responds "Mother has something to take care of for a while, so I will see you in one hour."

"I was always surrounded by lessons I had to finish. If it was possible, they would have extended my lessons longer. But, something like that was "normal" for me."

'I don't think I could ever image having such strict parents, me and the others had such gentle but strong people around us including out parents'

I look around room to the window to see what looks like a young Trey and Che'nya by the window looking at Riddle.

"... Someone's knocking on the window?" Riddle gets up from his seat to see what's at the window "Oh, he noticed us!" "Hey, hey~ Let's play together~!" Trey and Che'nya exclaimed as they see Riddle. "Who are you?" Riddle asks them "I'm Che'nya~ And this one's Trey~ Let's play croquet together!" Che'nya says introducing both him and Trey.

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