Ch 8: ♥️Heartslabyal Pt 6♥️

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(Kai POV)
Preparing all those nuts took quite a long time considering the amount we had to do, I guess luckily for us Zola and Trey both helped everyone else out.
And after preparing all those tarts it was time to make the cream for the final touch.

'I'm sooo thankful that Zola knew how to do this....
I never really baked at home, I should start cooking at home with everyone else'

"Hey Zola, could you make these back home possibly?" Allen asks Zola, he seemed to be interested in the marron tart we're making "It depends if we have the ingredients back home, I'm entirely sure if we have these nuts at home anyway" Zola says making Allen frown a bit.

"What's wrong?" Ace asked Trey "I got carried away with the chestnuts you picked that I went overboard with making the marron base. We're a little short on fresh cream" Trey tells us.

"I'll go buy some. Do they sell it in the school store?" Deuce insists "That shop sells pretty much anything, so I'm sure it should be there. Can I ask you to buy some other stuff while you're at it? Two packs of milk, two cartons of eggs, silicon cups, and five canned fruits..." Trey then gave him a list of the ingredients we needed for the cream.

"You want me to come with you Deuce?" I ask him "Sure I might need help carrying the stuff" "I'm going, too! I don't wanna mix more dough!" I guess Grim's coming too "If the store has just about everything could you also try to find Cyrus a new weapons?" Carla asks out of the blue which the boys gave a scared look towards her "Sure I'll try to find something similar to your main ones" I say earning a nod from Cyrus.

He then hands me more mandol that Crowey gave us so we could buy things from the shop, I walk beside Deuce with Grim on my shoulder. Though I could see Deuce have a light blush on his face.

'Now Deuce is blushing....does he have a fever?'

(Time skip)

Upon entering the shop I could see a lot of strange objects like vases with weird markings to a bunch of colourful jewels. "Pardon us! Whoa, what an amazing shop... Crystal skulls, magical texts, and... wh-what sort of animal is this...?" Deuce wonders looking at the amount of things around the shop. "Wah~ Can we really find some fresh cream here?" Grim says also looking around.

I was looking around the place to see if they had any weapons or materials for Cyrus and the others since I'm the only one with a weapon and it doesn't hurt to be prepared for anything here. In a glass case I saw four weapons that really looked right for the others and their fighting style. I would need at ask the guy in charge of here how much they cost.

"Hey! Little lost lambs, what can I help you with?"


"Welcome to Mr. S's Mystery Shop. What is it that you wish for today? A charm against cheating? An ancient king's mirror? Or maybe, some cursed tarot cards?" A man with dark skin and skeletal markings offers us.

Grim: Wha–!? You startled me!

"Um... We would like to buy the things written on this note." Deuce says handing the list to Mr Sam "And I also want some canned tuna!" Grim eagerly adds on "No! We will not buy any canned tuna!" Deuce quickly declines Grim's need for tuna making me chuckle a bit.

"What do we have here~? Fresh cream and eggs... Oh, my! What a pretty sweet line-up~ OK! I shall bring them out now." Mr Sam says heading into the back of his shop to gather the ingredients "Whoa... Will he really have some here?" Deuce questions "I mean he has all these other random items so probably" I say back to him.

Not long later of awkward silence Mr Sam comes back with bags of the ingredients "Here, thank you for the wait. It is rather heavy, so are you sure you can carry them all?" He asks us but Deuce reassures him that we'll be fine.

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