Welcome to hell

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Allie's POV aka Roddy's baby mama

"Hi roddy" i said with a smirk on wearing my pink robe, i love when Rodrick comes over not because i love him because i love his dick after we broke up and he started hanging out with that bitch bella or whatever her name is i had to find a way to still have sex with him so i said he doesn't he wouldn't see his son again and it worked like a charm 

He didn't say anything he just walked past me into the house  " where's my son, he said looking around in the silent house 

"Oh he's at my moms house " i lied he was sleeping in his room but if i told roddy that he would just wake him up and play with him then leave me without having sex, but i knew roddy could see through my lies 

Roddy looked at the stairs going upstairs then run up them heading to our son's room and run after him to stop him before he reached the room  but he was to fast He was already in the room standing over our son's  crib buy the time i got upstairs and our son was wide awake  

"Rodrick you woke him up" i said walking towards the crib and picking our son up from the crib. Rodrick took him from me before i picked him properly then walked out the room then headed downstairs I followed him downstairs.

When I got downstairs roddy and my son where no where to be found but my living room was filled with a bunch of random men who looked like they've been working out since they were born 

"Who the hell are y'all matter of fact I don't care where's my son"  I said with my arm cross but again nobody said anything this one dark skin dude just handed me a folded up piece of paper, I took his letter from his hand and unfolded it was a letter with the letter welcome to hell on top and a whole essay of words reading 

Welcome to hell

Dear Allie if your ready this that means your right where I want you to be  a place that I should call hell aka your own house, ever since you had my child my life has been hell so I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine 

I'm finna make you go insane your life is going to be like if your living in a mental hospital and since you like sex so much I have a few friends you've probably already met , there here to satisfy  your every sexual needs 

And don't try to call for help cause nothing works in your house  also your new room is in the basement  and if you get hungry eat dirt cause there no food in the house .

Can't wait to see you when you come out if your even alive after 2 months by the way don't worry about Hercules he safe with me 


Your one and only nightmare 

My heart dropped after reading that I didn't know what to do I was panicking but before I could do anything  I was hit on the back of my head with some metal object but one of Rodrick's minions and I woke up in my basement chained to a bed like I was in prison it was freezing cold and all I had on was sweat pants and a hoodie 

I was surrounded by dead body of people roddy killed when we where together  which creeped me, I froze in fright when the stairs started to creek while foot steps slowly walked downstairs I was so scared my vision started to go blurry and I passed out but before I passed out I got a glimpse of the person shoes they were black and red 1s just like the on3s Rodrick has but bigger 

Roddy's POV 

I drove in the car with my son in the back  he was talking and playing with one of his toys I have never seen him this happy before which made me happy and knowing the fact that his mom was getting what she deserved made a huge smirk appeared on my face .

I was driving down to Compton where my mother lived with my younger siblings I was going to go to Bella's but I didn't want her to get involved with anything I do  so she doesn't destroy her record of being a good person 

I don't even understand  how she fell in love with someone like me where completely different from each other but i gauss that's what make us perfect for each other i gauss


I had reached Compton and I was driving to my childhood neighborhood before heading to my  adopted mom's the car was silent now cause Hercules was sleeping and I was to busy enjoying my lil memories of me and Bella when we where little I really miss the old days when we were still innocent and not drug dealers or killer but at the same time I hated my childhood everything was about sex, drug and violence .

 I passed by Bella's old house where one of her foster parents raped her and killed there selves I was just mad I didn't get to kill him myself but I'm glad he dead which made me remember the time I killed the first foster dad that raped her it felt amazing  almost made me smile at the memorize.


After visiting all of my favorite spot from my memories I made it to my mom's house  decided to bring Hercules here because she was the only foster parent that really loved me like an actual parent.

I got the car and went to the backseat where my son was still sleeping I took him out his car seat carefully not waking him up and then grabbing a multiple baby bags of things that I've been taking from Allie house for this day, I went up to the door and ringed the door bell it didn't take long time to answer 

She opened the door with a smile but that smile went away real fast into confusion we had a lot to talk about .

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