Picture perfect

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It has been two days since I gave birth and not going to lie being a mother is challenging for me I didn't think it would be this hard even though I took care of Hercules having her own baby was hard Hercules was quiet and barely cried but this one was loud but so cute and I love her she's my literal twin

I couldn't decide to post Venus on her Instagram or wait I mean everybody already knew she and Rodrick have something going but they didn't know she was pregnant well they did assume I was pregnant but I never confirmed up the accusations so posting a picture would definitely let everybody know what's up, but the word was already going around that she gives birth one of the doctors told tmz for 14k even though she probably makes more them that a year, you know what I'm going to post it later cause I'm tired and my babies are sleeping so I better sleep before they woke up

Roddy's POV

I was in my jail cell on the second floor waiting to be released but these bitch ass guards didn't tell me when so know I'm in here with time going slow as hell waiting for my long missed freedom, I finally get to see Bella, Hercules, and Venus

My thought was broken when I heard one of my guard's laptop that was downstairs say something about Bella I could remember the voice of somebody from tmz so I listened closely

The laptop: Bella smith who is a big influencer allegedly just gave birth to what people are thinking is roddy Ricch's child 2-year-old stormi Wayne smith, the two have been best friends for years now but I think they're more than best friends, roddy also has two other kids with baby mama Allie Kay who Is very open about her pregnancy on Instagram she let us know that the child is indeed Roddy's child

My heart dropped not because Allie told everybody but because I missed the birth of my first baby girl it made me feel like a horrible dad and future husband knowing I missed such an important moment in my daughter's life imagine knowing your dad was at your brothers birth but not yours she going to hate me forever I just thank god that getting out early I just missed everybody so much

Guard 1: Rodrick let's go its time for you to leave wear this first

Roody grabbed his clothes from the guard and put the clothes on it felt great being in his own clothes for once and not an orange jumpsuit

 he followed the guard down to the lobby and got check out  he could already feel the fresh air, after getting checked out the man opened the door and there was a rolls Royce waiting for him Rodrick let out a smile of joy

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he followed the guard down to the lobby and got check out he could already feel the fresh air, after getting checked out the man opened the door and there was a rolls Royce waiting for him Rodrick let out a smile of joy

Roddy: bye mothfucker

Roddy got into the car and sat there in disbelief he was happy to be out but he couldn't let the feeling go that there was something wrong he felt guilty of not being there for Bella during her pregnancy and the birth of the baby he felt bad for putting Hercules through everything he was being selfish and now he felt like a punk because he never got sad before this was something new Bella got him acting like a bitch and loved how she softens him up sometimes.

As the driver drove Rodrick was thinking about how much fun he would have with Bella and his babies but something came up in his mind Allie he almost forgot the time she told him she was pregnant again he was pissed at the time but after having a new perspective on life he knows he should've gotten mad it, not her fault it's his he caused it and even if it's a mistake he's happy to have another bundle of joy in his life and he wants to be in all there lives he wants to nothing like his real father who left his mom when she was pregnant with him that's the whole reason his mom put him in foster care but now he has a loving mom but he still wanted to meet his real mom

Driver: Mr.Moore where here

Roddy: where is this place I've never been here before

Driver: it's a surprise

The driver dropped Roddy of at Bella's house but roddy didn't know that so he thought it was a sat up but he still want in the gates were open and there were welcome balloons everywhere, Roddy walked into the house gate and they closed behind which made him a little suspicious the doors to the house was opened and there stood all his family and friends all wearing welcome home shirts

As soon as everybody saw Rodrick they ran over him and a big group hug from joy was just all over the place Roddy's mom even started crying which see never does Roddy's eyes searched the room but couldn't find Bella.

Roddy: mom stop crying I finally here

Mrs.Moore: I'm not mom I just miss you

Roddy: I know but do you know where Bella is

Mrs. Moore: I yea come with me

Roddy's mom grabbed his hands and they headed upstairs to Bella's room where she was sleeping with Hercules and stormi  Roddy was super happy seeing Bella being an amazing mother to his kids we almost cried but held back the tears

Mrs. Moore: she super tried but she and the babies are doing great she's an amazing mother you need to wife her up

Roddy: don't worry I will, Can I lay down with her if that's ok

Mrs. Moore: of course I'm finna pack some food for y'all just in case everybody eats it all

Roddy: ok mom love

Roddy went over two the bed and picked up Hercules slowly not waking him up then put him on top of Bella then wrapped his arm around them when he did that Bella smiled in her sleep he didn't want this moment to end he wanted to stay like this forever and he never wanted to let go he has never been better although something was still missing he has almost everybody he loved with him

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