Chapter Eleven

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All was peaceful when George woke up. Any remnants of the storm from the previous night were gone, and instead of smashing rain, pale sunlight shone through the window.

George was still underwater, tucked onto his side facing the wall. He blinked drearily before turning over to his other side, his eyes still not fully open.

Dream was there. George had forgotten Dream was there. He jumped with fright at being right next to him, not expecting anyone to be there when he woke up. His body was half out of the water now, and water splashed everywhere, but most specifically, onto Dream.

The blonde sat up in shock at the sudden wake-up. Water dripped down his mask. He turned over to look at George, who smiled sheepishly.

Dream scoffed and wiped the water off his mask with his pyjama sleeve. George wondered silently to himself about why humans wore so many different clothes. Why did they have special sleeping ones and awake ones?

George narrowed his eyes thinking about it, which caused Dream to pause in confusion. George waved him off, replacing his scowl with a smile. It seemed George's thinking face looked really angry. What a shame.

Dream yawned again, stretching and letting his back pop in relief. George crinkled his mouth slightly at the cracking sound but made no comment.

The blonde pushed himself up with a sigh. He looked over at George. He couldn't find the right words to say. George raised an eyebrow.

Dream let himself blow a small sigh out of his lips as he swayed his arms back and forth awkwardly. George laughed at the tall man, who's lip curled, in what George assumed was a scowl behind the mask.

Dream coughed. 

"I'm gonna- um- go get dressed." Dream murmured, unsure of himself. George thanked the gods that he wasn't the only one who felt awkward about last night. George hadn't really shown himself as comfortable around the man before then, so it was definitely...different from his usual attitude. George went red a little bit, in embarrassment, at the thought. He was so sad and out of it that he'd spent ages sobbing while clutching onto Dream's arms. Oh god. He hoped Dream didn't feel too weird about it. 

"Right! Yeah! Go do that!" George said over-enthusiastically as he realised he hadn't replied, and Dream nodded slightly, before shuffling out of the room.

Nice one George.

- - - - - -

Dream left the room with a heavy breath as the door swung shut behind him. He stood outside it for a moment, before walking down the hallway and onto the deck. Overall, the sight wasn't too bad. There sure was a lot of seaweed around, and Tommy had the job of flinging that back into the ocean. Dream smiled slightly at the grimace on the younger one's face as he picked up the slimy seaweed, and that smile only grew larger as he saw Wilbur sitting on a barrel, cackling at him from behind.

Dream rolled his eyes in fondness and walked down the stairs that were on the other side of the hallway.

The wood creaked slightly underneath him as he jogged down. Fundy and Phil were sitting at the big table down there, eating breakfast, but the rest of his crew was nowhere to be seen. He assumed they were all still in their rooms. Dream checked the time on the clock hanging on the wall. 

9:30 am. Dream pursed his lips. They should be up by now. When did he start letting them get lazy? He really should do something about that...

But not right now.

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