Chapter Twenty-Two

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It was just before he was set to meet everyone when Dream offered George his jacket.

George declined.

"Why not?" Dream asked, mild hurt seeping into his voice, and George rolled his eyes.

"I don't need a jacket, I don't get cold the same way you do." George responded, eyebrows raised, and Dream murmured a soft 'ohhhh'.

They were both standing in front of the door, Dream trying to comfort George, while George was trying to will himself to walk out.

He gripped the cane in his hand tighter and readied himself.

"Okay," he murmured, finally, "let's go."

Dream nodded and opened up the door. George peered out, seeing a long corridor that stretched out into an opening.

He followed Dream as they walked, albeit shakily and much slower than normal humans would.

As they moved out of the corridor, George allowed himself to look around.

The ship was big, with wooden flooring much like the inside of the room he'd been residing in.

The wind pushed through his air, and George relished in it. The breeze had always been weaker in the room, and he'd never had the chance to actually enjoy it, but now, as he stood outside, he let himself relax. 

His gaze locked onto the vast expanse of water and he felt a pang of longing seep into his heart before looking elsewhere, trying not to think about it.

George breathed in deeply, letting the crisp cold air swirl through his lungs. Then he started to shiver. That wasn't supposed to happen. He shouldn't be this cold.

He glanced over at Dream, who stared back at him.

George wrapped his arms around himself, feeling weird with unfamiliarity. 

"Are you cold?" Dream asked, a slightly smug sound in his voice.

George rolled his eyes, "I think that's another merman feature I lost," he murmured, "I seem to have lost my really good heating."

Dream chuckled, before shrugging off his jacket. George went to protest, but Dream shushed him, putting his finger to George's lips.

George glanced down at the finger, then back up to Dream. The man went red, and lowered his finger, coughing.

He handed the long jacket and George carefully slipped it on, flashing Dream a soft smile.

It reached down to his calves, but he didn't button it up. He still had no idea how to do that.

Dream had helped him button his white shirt earlier, but he hadn't paid attention, he'd been more concerned with...other things.


Sapnap was the only one standing up here. He was sitting on a barrel around some ropes and trying to rub something off his shoe.

He glanced up at the sound of the two men, eyes lighting up.

He jumped off the barrel, crossing the length of the boat towards the two of them with a bright smile on his face.

"George! You're walking!" he cheered, and George smiled bashfully.

"With help," he tapped the cane, "but yeah...I'm kind of shit at it though."

Sapnap laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets, "you'll get it."

George smiled at him, before looking to Dream for comfort. The blonde bit his lip, before moving over to the stairs next to the corridor.

"Here, everyone's downstairs." George nodded slightly, following them. Sapnap bounded down, disappearing from sight, but George stood at the top of the staircase, gazing nervously down at it.

A merman's tear (dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now