1 - Chosen By Fate

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This story will include self harm and suicidal thoughts, please do not read it if you get triggered from them.


It was a cold day, the sun wasn't shining and sky was dark. Naruto was walking through Konohas streets while having something in his mind, Sasuke.
He always liked Sasuke since they were young. He found him as a role model and a good friend, not to mention that their friendship ended in a certain day, however they managed to build that friendship again thanks to Naruto.
It was 3 years ago, Sasuke and Naruto had their final battle between them. They fought for hours and hours, until they ran out of chakra. It was the spesific day when Sasuke understood and accepted that he could not beat Naruto, and he was the only light he had in his life. His only sunlight.
Now they were about to be adults, grew up with eachother. Even though Sasuke is the exact opposite of Naruto, being cold and dark, they still had a great bond between them that no one could understand. They were chosen by fate for sure.
Time by time, Naruto realised something about his true feelings about that onyx eyed boy. It was like he couldn't stop smiling when he thought about him, his heart always beated fast when he was near him.At first he couldn't understand whats going on with his feelings but soon he figured out what he truly felt about Sasuke.Maybe his feelings were more than just "friends", more than "being chosen by fate."
He thought about this situation for a long time, trying to understand what was going on. He kept his feelings inside for 2 years, 2 WHOLE YEARS.
It sure was hard, he always struggled to act properly near him. He wanted to tell that he loved him 100 times, maybe more who knows? It wasn't enough, sure it was NEVER enough for them.

Back to present, Naruto thought about whether he should confess his feelings to him or not, if he did what if Sasuke didn't feel the same? What if he didnt see Naruto like how Naruto does?
Narutos mind was full of these bullsh*t, and it bothered him...A LOT. His feelings were growing each day non stop, he didnt want to keep it inside but he also was so scared of Sasukes feelings.
He kept walking through the streets, trying to get rid of the thoughts in his mind, wind blew his soft yellow hair.
Something was bothering him, it sure was Sasuke but now it kinda felt different. Sasuke seemed really off these past weeks, he couldnt ask him whats wrong because Sasuke avoid interacting with him. Not only Naruto, Sasuke actually started to avoid EVERYONE in the village. Naruto tried to contact him in any way that came into his mind, but each try Sasuke denied talking to him. Soon he understood that duckbutt haired boy wanted to be alone.

Soon he saw a presence over the big cliff, he sure looked like Sasuke.
"Stop thinking about him for a second...It can't be Sasuke, you're just imagining him." Naruto thought to himself while passing the cliff.
Then he stopped walking, something seemed familiar.He turned his head to see who that was.

[Sasukes pov]

Sasuke kept staring to the moonlight that reminded him of Naruto, he sure knew that Naruto was "the sunlight" but, right now this moonlight was the only light that lightened that night.
He didn't want to avoid him, never.Cause Naruto was the only one that could understand him the most.But Sasuke couldn't do it anymore, he just wanted to end everything that night. Everything seemed dark for him, EVERYTHING was black and white except Naruto. He was the only thing he had.
After his last battle with Naruto, he kept thinking about his past, the Uchiha massacre,becoming a traitor,joining Akatsuki and etc. He still haven't forgiven himself for his life decisions, he kept feeling guilty for everything even though he wasn't the reason. He kept blaming himself for what happened to Itachi and the Uchiha massacre or so.
And he also broke Narutos heart several times, by trying to k!ll him more than 2 times and etc. He didn't meant to do that stuff, NEVER.
But in conclusion, he did. He did broke his heart more than one time and he couldn't forgive himself even though it has been years.
He stared through the night, thinking about how it would feel if he could just end up everything right here. Naruto would be happier cause there wouldnt be any more broken hearts, village would be better cause he betrayed it long ago and he wasnt sure if they forgave him or not.
He admitted that he felt more than "friends" about Naruto.
Naruto was the only light that could lighten up his dark side, not Sakura, not Kakashi or anyone else. Just Naruto.
Thinking about his smile, his presence, his soft yellow hair, ocean blue shining eyes and everything. Everything about him was perfect, but he couldnt get more. He didn't deserve him, Naruto deserved someone way better than some trash traitor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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