6_ Guilty

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I don't know how to explain everything to Namjoon hyung. Maybe he'll just say I'm crazy. And if I show my powers to him, he might become crazy! Geez.

"Hyung! What will I do?" I brushed my hair with my fingers. We literally did not sleep. We were too overwhelmed and still in shock.

Yoongi keeps on pacing back and forth around his garage 'room'. He has dark circles under his eyes and his platinum hair is a mess.

I also do not know what to do. Nor what to think. I still cannot believe that I can control water. And heck who knows what more I can do.

There's a long silence in the garage. I can even hear my own breathing and my heart is really pounding hard in my chest. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead.

Suddenly, Yoongi stopped his pace. And slowly looked up at me.

"Okay. I know that we are still in shock and that we cannot even think straight."

He stopped for a moment. I keep my gaze on him, waiting to continue.

"We should keep everything that happened a secret."

"For now" He added.

I sighed and closed my eyes to decide.

This will gonna be my first time keeping a huge secret like this to my brother. I mean, it's not like I don't want to tell him.

"What about my brother hyung? I don't want to keep this from him."

"Don't worry about that. Namjoon will be the first to know once we clear everything. Like everything is so mess up and unclear for now. We're not even sure how you got that weird powers and where did that alien ring came from. He'll just get confuse as we are right now if we tell him right away."

Hyung is right. I'm still confuse as of the moment. But I'm hoping that as time passes by, I'll get to know more about this ring and the power it possess.

I smirked when I realized something.

"What are you thinking idiot?" He shot me a glare when he saw me grinning.

"Nothing. I'm just happy you said something lengthy." And I laughed AF. He spoke many words in one go for the first time and I can't stop teasing him.

"Whatever idiot. Suit yourself." He rolled his eyes and turned his back to me.

I sort my things in my bag, making sure that I didn't left any important things. Once I finished checking, I walked towards my door and was about to twist my door knob when a thought came to my head.

It's been two days after the discovery of the ring's power. Namjoon hyung still do not know anything related to the ring. I reached for my pocket and brought out the ring. It's glowing. The rolling ocean waves are visible and it's really beautiful.

I sighed heavily. I really hate keeping secrets like this especially from my brother. It's actually a good thing that Yoongi hyung knew about it. Otherwise, I can't bottle up my emotions in me and I might end up crazy.

I looked at the ring one more time.

Should I wear it? But what if something crazy comes up? What if I accidentally show off it's power infront of many people? They will totally freak out if that happens and the thought makes me scared.

I was in deep thought when Namjoon hyung knocked on my door, which surprised me and the ring fell from my palm. The ring rolled on my floor and I panicked for a bit, thinking I lost it but found it immediately despite the cluster of stuff laying on floor.

"JK. Come on already. We are going late"

"Uhm. Okay hyung!"

I calmed myself a bit. Maybe I should just relax and take things easily. I can't afford to mess things up because of my carelessness.

I guess I'll just wear it.

"Meeting is at 10am, JK. I'm expecting to see you there." Namjoon hyung told me. I just nodded. I plugged in my earphones and we parted ways. I still have 1 hour and a half before the meeting and I decided to go at the cafeteria first.

I ordered hot chocolate and bacon for my breakfast. I fished out my phone from my pocket.

To: Min Yoongi

Hyung, where are you? You have classes?

After a minute, my phone beeped.

From: Min Yoongi

I have classes but I can always skip. Why did you ask?

I chuckled as soon as I read his reply. But I don't want him to skip his class just because I'm bored.

To: Min Yoongi

Nothing. I just asked. Maybe I should see you later? I just finished listening to the song you composed and it's totally a bop!

Yeah. He sent me a song last night and said I should listen to it. He really likes making songs but he said he has no intention of being a well known artist. He said he just loves making and producing good music and that it's just his hobby.

My phone beeped again

From: Min Yoongi

Okay see u later. I'm gonna show you more tho hehe

What? Did he just said that he composed not just one song? Oh boy.

I finished eating my food and left the cafeteria. I walked to the school organization's room where the meeting will be held.

I entered and they were about to start when I took a sit. Namjoon hyung stood up and cleared his throat.

"Since everyone is already in here, now is the perfect time to discuss to all of you our to-be contents for our school magazine along with the social events for this school year."

There's silence all over the room and I looked around. Some are taking notes. Some are also checking some kind of schedules. Others are just plain looking at him, admiring and dreaming of something else. Geez.

He continued,

"This will be my last year of being the school organization's president and editor in chief. And as much as possible, I want everything to be carefully planned for us to prepare for the best school year for our schoolmates. Let's make this school year memorable, yes?"

Everyone agreed to hyung. We discussed and brainstormed and after two hours of endless suggestions and ideas, we came up with the best plans regarding on what events we should hold this school year. I was also tasked to take pictures around the University's premises and that includes the famous marketplace and restaurants around the school.

The meeting ended and everyone left. I got up from my seat when no one's around anymore and approached Namjoon.

"You did great, pres" I smirked and tapped his shoulder

"Thanks buddy. You too. Thank you for the support." His eyes are shining and he smiled genuinely.

I walked out of the room and my smile faded as soon as he's out of my sight.

He's such a good man. He really wants this school year to end up great and memorable for him and to our schoolmates. He's really sincere and passionate to the people around him.

And here I am, keeping a huge secret from him which made me guilty as hell.

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