14_ At the Lake side

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"That was so funny! She completely totalled you, JK."

Baekhyun is currently laughing his ass off. After she made that remarkable comment on me, she stormed off and I was left speechless.

"We need to find her. She destroyed my camera." I hissed.

What was I even thinking?! I let her walk out without even paying me back.

Was I too taken aback by her sudden attack on me by bringing in her face so close to me?

And damn those eyes.

I shook my head off and exhaled. You need to calm down JK and better start planning on how to find that woman.

I made my way into the crowd, hoping I could still trace the direction she went into. I looked back and saw Baekhyun seriously talking on his phone.

Remind me on why do I even bother to look after this guy?

"Kook! Wait up!" Baekyun sprinted after me.

"I'm glad I managed to save the photos on the memory card though. This is kinda my project for the school." I said.

I think I just had to resort on the school's issued camera for the rest of the event. Geez.

The sun is almost settling so everyone's gathered into the University field to watch the live band. Fireworks are everywhere and the loud blast of music from gigantic speakers are roaring.

I met with Yoongi a while ago to borrow his high-end camera. I also introduced him to Baek and they got along pretty well I guess, with Baekhyun being friendly and cheerful.

The three of us made our way into the park to rest and to get away from the crowd and noise. The University park was at the other end of the University, so it was far from the field, where tons of people are.

"I'm glad I got to meet wonderful guys like you. I'm not into these kind of events but it seemed fun so I checked it out." Baekyun told us while we settle ourselves to sit on the grass.

"Yeah don't mind it. Thank JK. He's the friendly one here." Yoongi boringly commented.

I guess he also got tired on dealing how talkative Baek is. Seriously.

We were about to finish our snacks when we heard a scream and a loud thud coming out from nowhere.

We immediately turned our heads to the direction the sound came from and I can subtly see some shadows around the group of oak trees from the park's near end area.

"What was that?!" Yoongi shouted.

The loud thud is coming nearer to us and sounds of shouting and running footsteps are becoming clearer every second.

"What the actual fuck?!" Yoongi shouted as the silhouettes became clear.

Three figures came into my sight as they were running away from where the oak trees are.

And there it became clear to me.

It was Taehyung, Rosé and.... the woman with bangs?

But things got more horrifying when the two figure chasing them came clearer into the picture.

A monster and an evil-looking person.

"Kook! Run to the lake!" Taehyung shouted. His legs are smoky black, manifesting his dark energy being wrapped around it.

I was still into the shock state, but thanks to Yoongi and Baek, they managed to grabbed my collar which brought me back into the reality.

We ran fast, approaching the lake. The sun is still settling but it's light was barely present as darkeness slowly creeps in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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