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The date was May 7th, 2021. It was a nice spring evening in Negi Root City. Brandi Vicks (Phantom Thief Miku) was in the car with Thaddeus (Phantom Thief Kaito) and Thelma (Phantom Thief Meiko), 2 of her Phantom Thief friends. Where are they going, you may ask? Well, Brandi is going to her first date with her new boyfriend Finn Hightower (Fraud Casino Len) at his house. A few minutes later, the car reached its destination. The house looked almost like a mansion.

Phantom Thief Miku: Whoa. That looks so fucking huge!

Phantom Thief Kaito: Well, when you're the owner of a casino, of course you'd be rich.

Phantom Thief Meiko: We'll pick you up in about a couple of hours. Have fun, Brandi!

Phantom Thief Miku: I will.

Brandi exited the car and watched as it drove away. She walked up to the front door and knocked on it. Fauna Hightower (Fraud Casino Rin) answered it.

Fraud Casino Rin: Oh, hey. You're Brandi, right?

Phantom Thief Miku: Yeah, that's right.

Fraud Casino Rin: Finn! Your lovely girlfriend is here!

Fraud Casino Len: Let her in!

Fraud Casino Rin: Welcome to our humble abode.

Brandi walked on in.

Phantom Thief Miku: Whoa.

She saw Finn with his dad, Mr. Hightower.

Fraud Casino Len: Hi, Brandi.

Phantom Thief Miku: Hi, Finn.

Mr. Hightower: So, you're our son's little girlfriend now, is that right?

Phantom Thief Miku: Um...yes sir.

Mr. Hightower: I know you like to gamble with your friends. And that's what I like about you.

Mrs. Hightower: Dinner's ready, everybody!

Fraud Casino Len: Cool. Let's eat.

And so, the Hightower family and Brandi were eating. To Brandi, this was the best meal she's ever had.

Phantom Thief Miku: You're such a good cook, Mrs. Hightower.

Mrs. Hightower: Why thank you, Brandi.

Fraud Casino Rin: So, Brandi, tell us about yourself.

Phantom Thief Miku: What do you want to know?

Mr. Hightower: Let's start with your family.

Phantom Thief Miku: Oh...um...

Fraud Casino Len: Brandi? Everything okay?

Phantom Thief Miku: It's just that...my mom is dead. She died while giving birth to me.

Mrs. Hightower: Oh, honey. We're so sorry.

Phantom Thief Miku: It's alright.

Mr. Hightower: So, who raised you?

Phantom Thief Miku: My aunt and uncle.

Fraud Casino Rin: So, what happened? How did you meet Thaddeus and Thelma?

Phantom Thief Miku: Well, I've done some bad things like steal, do drugs, all kinds of shit. Because of that, I dropped out of middle school.

Mr. Hightower: So, you never went to high school? At all?

Brandi shook her head.

Phantom Thief Miku: When I turned 14, I moved out of my aunt and uncle's house. About 2 years later, I met Thaddeus and Thelma. They were like me, they like to steal stuff. And they saw me, gave me an initiation, and I joined the Phantom Thieves. And after that, I met Penny (Phantom Thief Rin). These 3 people are like my family now.

Mr. Hightower: Well, that's good.

Fraud Casino Len: So you like to steal things, huh?

Phantom Thief Miku: Yes.

She suddenly stood up.

Mrs. Hightower: Geez, honey, how tall are you? You're kinda tiny!

Phantom Thief Miku: According to Thaddeus, I am 5'0".

Fraud Casino Len: I'm 5'7".

Phantom Thief Miku: Fucking hell! Oops!

The Hightower family were shocked. But Mr. Hightower laughed.

Mr. Hightower: Don't worry, Brandi. We allow slurs in this household.

Phantom Thief Miku: You do?

Mrs. Hightower: Finn was kinda like you, Brandi. Always cussing up a storm to his own parents. After a while, we just...decided not to punish him anymore.

Phantom Thief Miku: Really?

Fraud Casino Len: Yes.

Phantom Thief Miku: Huh. But still, 5'7"? That's tall!

Fraud Casino Len: However, I'm still young. How old are you again?

Phantom Thief Miku: 21.

Fraud Casino Rin: Finn and I are only 20.

Phantom Thief Miku: And yet you are allowed to go into the casino?

Mr. Hightower: That's because it's owned by me and my wife.

Mrs. Hightower: And we love going to the casino everyday.

Phantom Thief Miku: I also love going to the casino. Once Penny turns 21, she'll probably have the best time of her life.

Fraud Casino Rin: We'll make sure she gets a proper welcome. How old is Penny?

Phantom Thief Miku: She's 19.

Mr. Hightower: What does she look like?

Phantom Thief Miku: Well, she wears an outfit kinda like mine, except it's orange and not pink, she had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Fraud Casino: Oh, is she a Rin module like me then?

Phantom Thief Miku: Yep.

After dinner, Brandi was waiting for Thaddeus and Thelma to pick her up.

Fraud Casino Len: Um...Brandi?

Phantom Thief Miku: Oh, hey Finn! What you got behind your back?

Finn held up a bottle of Moonshine.

Phantom Thief Miku: Holy shit! Is that Moonshine?! That's my fucking favorite!

Fraud Casino Len: My dad wanted me to give this to you.

Phantom Thief Miku: For me? How did your dad know I love Moonshine?

Fraud Casino Len: He could tell what alcohol a person likes just by looking at them. We have all kinds of alcoholic beverages.

Phantom Thief Miku: I can take this home?

Fraud Casino Len: Yes. It's a gift.

Phantom Thief Miku: Thanks, Finn!

Without warning, she kissed him. But her eyes widened and stopped the kiss.

Phantom Thief Miku: I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that.

Fraud Casino Len: No, it's okay.

Phantom Thief Miku: Really?

Finn nodded. Suddenly, they heard a car honk.

Phantom Thief Miku: Oh, that must be Thaddeus and Thelma.

Fraud Casino Len: See you at the casino tomorrow?

Phantom Thief Miku: You betcha!

Brandi, with her moonshine, walked away and got in Thaddeus and Thelma's car.

Phantom Thief Kaito: So, how did it go?

Phantom Thief Miku: Awesome! Finn gave me Moonshine! Best fucking gift ever!

Phantom Thief Meiko: Great.

And so, they drove away.

Over 900 words this time. I hope you guys enjoyed this little date and I'll see you guys in the next story!

Fraud Casino Len And Phantom Thief Miku's DateWhere stories live. Discover now