Part 1

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"Gosh! Joong! Cover yourself first!", I said while covering my eyes with my palms. I hesitated, when I was tasked to fetch him, knowing his tendency to oversleep, and also bareskin.

"Ermm... What are you doing here?", he said, groggily, not bothering to sit up, and just decided to pull the thick blanket to cover his body and sleep some more. I could hear the sound of water from the bathroom, and sighed. Someone was with him for the night, not that it was something new, but still, I didn't want to see anything at all. If it was not because his father insisted that I go and fetched him, since his phone was unreachable, I wouldn't step inside his room at all.

I went and sat at the edge of the bed, pulling the blanket away from covering his face. "Come on, Joong. Don't be such a baby. It'll be uncomfortable, if whoever is in the shower right now, comes out naked, not expecting me to be here".

That words earned a sleepy laughter from Joong. Before I could react, suddenly he snatched my waist and pulled me to be atop of him. I gasped in shocked and pursed my lips in annoyance. I pushed his chest to get up, but he held on tight.

"Why? Why would you be uncomfortable?", his gruff voice, combined with partly opened eyes; were smouldering; not intentionally done to seduce, but because he was still half-asleep.

"Don't treat me as your other conquest. I am not even comfortable seeing you that way, more so with other people. So, release me right now. I came to wake you up, and now that you do, that's it", I said, still trying to push away. Without the thick blanket as a barrier, I was practically, on top of his body, which was without anything on.

"Can't you come here, just because you wanted to? This must be an order from my father again...", he said, a little whiny.

"Of course, it is an order; I worked for your father, Joong. So, please, be ready in a hurry, Sir wanted to see you in an hour, at his office. And, another thing, please don't turn off your phone. It's easier to reach you that way, rather than coming here personally. I don't want to encounter something unbecoming".

"Why should I turn on the phone, when a personal call, liked this, is more delightful?", he said with a sneaky smile. I knew it! My suspicion was right, he was pulling me to come into his den, because I would never do so, otherwise.

"Why don't you give me a morning kiss, first...", Joong said, held my nape, and pulled me down while pouting his lips.

My eyes widened and I shook my head, "No. What the heck are you playing at? Unhand me, Joong!". I felt liked slapping that pouty lips rather than kissing them, "You think it's delightful? Don't you even feel guilty of playing around liked this, and wasted someone else's time?. Not everyone is privileged, Joong!. Some got work to do", I was a little angry for what he was doing right now.

"Alright...don't be mad. I just wanted to see you, caused you didn't answer my call. I had come back for almost a month, and you still feel distant". I understood his frustration, but we were no longer living freely as we once were. With maturity, came responsibility, so I didn't have time to cater to his whims anymore.

"Besides, I'm not playing around, I already said so to you since the first day that I came back, but, it seems you're being evasive, rather than facing me upfront. I like you. Deal with it".

I could hear, that the sound of water was already off. My panic had risen, and I was struggling to break free, but Joong was still being stubborn.

"Not a play? Then, who is that, in the shower, then? It seems, you're still sleeping around. So, don't tell me that you like me again, when you can't keep your pants on, still", my words were harsh, but I felt really cheap indeed, that he slept with someone for the night, and dare to say that he liked me, in the day.

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