The Point of No Return

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This one's a little short folks, sorry. I'm just so sad that this is ending and I have a major headache and really want to play some Skyrim...

#Useless Information!

Anyhow, the next chapter should hopefully be done soon. And in this chapter I didn't want to go through the entirety of The Point of No Return because I already did in the last chapter, so there's gonna be some weird stuff in there. Just go with, it makes sense with the story...I hope.

I don't own POTO.

Kat's POV

        "You can do this. It's only a few hundred people, just imagine them in their underclothes or something." Meg said in an effort to calm me down.

        I was going to be on-stage in less than five minutes, yet here I am, backstage, having a panic attack. It wouldn't be such a big deal if people dying, because of me, wasn't a possible outcome.

        "Meg!" Christine shunned the poor girl. "That's an awful thing to think of."

        "Well what do you think she should do?" Meg crossed her arms and squared her shoulders.

        "Guys! Must you start this right now?" I said a little louder than needed.

        My head was throbbing and my heart was about to jump from my throat. The last I need right now is to listen to their arguing.

        "Miss Daae, you're on." A voice hollered from somewhere behind us.

        "Wonderful." I muttered as I stood from the stool I'd been perched on.

        I straightened out my dress and pulled the sleeves up for the thousandth time. My hands were shaking as I grabbed my props and stumbled on stage. Christine and Meg were somewhat whispering from the side of the stage, wishing me good luck. I heard Madame Giry hush them as I began my lines.

        "No thoughts within her head but thoughts of joy

        No dreams withing her heart but dreams of love."

        My bare feet came to a stop as I finished. I knelt down and began to play with the roses that rested in the small basket I'd been carrying.


        The man playing Passarino sang out from behind me.

        "Passarino, go away for the trap it is set and waits for it's prey."

        When I heard Erik's voice I tried my best to not turn and look. I subconsciously looked up to box five, where Raoul sat on the edge of his seat.

        I turned to my left where Christine and Meg stood, watching nervously. My eyes soon began tracing to audience until I found Damien, Ezra, and her. Our eyes locked and a strange feeling came over me. It was almost as if I couldn't control my own actions as I stood, leaving the flowers behind.

        "You have come here

         In pursuit of your deepest urge"

        Erik sang as I continued to stare at my mother. I tried to look away, but I couldn't. My mind clouded over and my body went limp. I was still standing, but not by my own command. I was like a puppet, her puppet.

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