It's a date

881 25 8

~Dipper pov~

I just stared at her blankly.

"Yeah, his son Tate runs the bait shop down by the lake."

She looked at me.

I saw her face pale in color, and she staggered back.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked uncertainly.

I was worried, she looked like she was about to throw up.

I love her, all I want to do is protect her, hold her close and make her feel safe.

She didn't answer me.

I stepped towards her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Y/n what's wrong, please I want to help you," I said, my voice gentle and soft.

~Y/n pov~

I felt sick, sick to my stomach.

How dare he.

How dare he talk about my family so nonchalantly, as if nothing's wrong.

Maybe Bill was right, maybe Dipper and his family did this to my dad...and now apparently I have a secret brother that I didn't know about ?!

I feel like this is the universe's way of a big, elaborate, cruel joke.

I looked at him and all those butterflies that I used to get in my stomach when he was around me...melted.

They now formed a deep loathing and hatred towards the pines family.

"Dipper I'm going to go for a walk" I replied through gritted teeth.

"Yeah sure y/n. Let's go " he said smiling.

"Alone," I said bitterly, shrugging his hand off my shoulder.

I knew how I sounded and quite frankly I didn't care.

I turned and walked my heart beating faster and faster.

I heard Dipper shouting my name.

I ignored him and picked up the pace, turning my walk into a jog.

I heard footsteps, he was trying to catch up to me.

Oh ...I don't think so.

I increased my speed to maximum capacity, at this point I was full-on running.

It didn't take long for my legs to start to ache and my lungs to feel like they were about to burst, but I soldiered on.

I ran past the water tower, through the cemetery , and that's when I finally came to a stop right outside the diner.

Phew, I had lost him.

As I was regaining my breath, I started walking towards the woods and started whistling for no apparent reason.

Once I arrived a considerable way into the woods, I decided to take a seat by this huge Oaktree.

"Hey, beautiful" I heard someone say behind me.

I almost got a heart attack as I thought I was alone.

I turned and greeted Bill with a false smile.

"Now listen up sugar cube, about my offer, I'm gonna offer it one more time -" he started.

"Yes," I replied, successfully cutting him off.

He gave me a blank stare.

"Wait what?" he asked.

"I'll go on a date with you" I replied confidently.

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now