Chapter 2

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The asshole from last night has a name.


He leans into his chair, regarding me, not a trace of expression on his face yet his eyes leave a burning sensation, making my body shudder, a tingling beneath my skin.

I throw my bag on the table, making a show of pulling out the chair and settling myself on it, all the while my eyes never leaving his, silently daring him to stop me.

He doesn't. His face remains stoic. Unreadable.

" Good Morning, class. " The teacher's greeting breaks our staring contest.

" I am Elizabeth Hill, your teacher for Geography. Our first chapter is going to be about the resources of the Earth. I am also giving you your assignment of the week, you and your partner have to decide on one natural resource and submit it next week. "

She begins with the class and I mentally prepare myself to have a tussle of words with Illyas.

" Our topic is going to b.."

" Oil. " Ilyas interjects. His eyes trained ahead.

" Yes, oil. "

Queens Oil and Gas is the biggest oil and gas provider in the USA. It was started by my great-grandfather, slowly and slowly capturing the market. Then came my father, with his hard work, vision, and persistence he made the company what it is today, sitting at the top, reigning over the whole USA and Africa, and him amongst the top ten richest people on the globe.

That company is my destiny. One day I will hold imperative reins, and I will be one of the decision-makers, an accomplice of my father and Aiden.

" I will do it. " Illyas murmurs, his hands flying over the iPad.

" As if you know anything about oil! I have no interest in losing marks. We are doing it together so suck it up. " I drag his iPad in the middle.

I divide the page of my notebook into two, writing down topics.

" You will compile information on these topics and I want it to be in-depth research, not something you get off Wikipedia. Bring it to me on Wednesday. " I tear half of the paper, passing it to him.

He doesn't make a move to collect the folded paper, just regarding me, evoking something inside me. I put the paper in the front pocket of his school shirt, tapping it.

" Remember Wednesday. " I voice laced with a hint of warning.

Illyas doesn't speak for the rest of the period and the silence between us becomes deafening, it starts to eat me. Is this how my whole year going to look like, sitting in silence, bored out of my mind?

" So..your name, it's quite different. What does it mean? " I shove his arm with my shoulder. There is a visible height difference between us. Even while sitting he towers over me.

He slants a bored gaze at me, and I smile.

" God. " He murmurs, not paying me any heed.

" God? "

" Yes. "

" In what language? "

" Arabic. "

" Are you from the Middle East? "

" Yes. "

" Where? "

" Zuran. "

" Do you speak Arabic? "My voice is tinged with excitement.

In my father's course of business, he comes across many Middle Eastern businessmen who have control over the majority of the world's oil reserves. I have met a fair share of them and always admired their beautiful language.

"Na'am. " The word rolls off his tongue, his British accent vanishing.

Oh, here it comes. The butterflies, the tingles, the tremors. I clasp my hands on my chest, sighing dreamily. Illyas remains oblivious to the effect he has on me.

" Say something. " I move my chair to his side, leaning into him, my interlaced hands still placed on my chest.

This time he focuses on me.

"Ant turbikuniy 'Ant tuhayiruni. "
( You confuse me)

" What does it mean? "

" You are annoying. "

I escape the exotic trance he put me into.

" Aren't you butchering the language? Arabic is so romantic and look at you. " I scoff and elbow his stomach.

" You are annoying too. With this stupid height, this annoying voice of yours, and your aggravating face and attitude but I am not complaining. "

" You did just now. "

I narrow my eyes at him, stretching myself to try to meet his eyes.

" Now we are even. "

I drag my chair back to its place, good few inches away from him. As I turn towards the teacher, my hair hits him in the face, and he jerks back. Good. Serves him right.


" What just happened? " Xian's mouth is wide open.

" He just let you sit. Just like that. " A girl with beautiful brown skin exclaims. There are a few other students, waiting expectantly for my response.

" Yes. "

" He didn't say anything? " A guy asks, and the rest of them laugh.

" Say!? Please. Does anyone remember the last time we heard him talk? "

They all shake their head in negation.

Really? That bad?

" I did. It was last year during the match. "
Another guy speaks.

" What did he say? "

" Pass. " He responds.


" Are you kidding me? Arghh! " I shout at the top of my lungs, refraining myself from stomping like a petulant child.

He is everywhere.

In my mind, my class and now right across my room.

He braces his arm on the window sill, his eyes shining in the dusk.

" Put.on.the.blinds.again. " I command, exerting force on every word.

He just shrugs, opening his window to its full extent. He drags a chair closer to the window, bringing a book along in his other hand and settles down facing directly to my room. More precisely, my bed.

The two dorm buildings run parallel to each other with a comfortable distance between them, but the distance narrows down towards the dorm rooms at the far back, leaving the windows about a foot away.
Every crook and corner of my room is visible to him, and so is his to me.

There is nothing in his room. It looks soulless. Plain walls, no trace of any picture, just a chair, bed, table and cupboard. A black blanket folded neatly at the foot of the bed whereas mine has colour in every corner of the room. It is truly said that one's bedroom is the gateway to one's true personality.

" I do not want to have to deal with you after class. I am changing my room tomorrow. "

" Good luck with that. " He flips a page leisurely.

" I don't need it. "


The next day 2 classes passed peacefully with not a single word being uttered between us.

" Shifting done?"

I cover my face.

" For some reason, you are not as confident as you were last night. "

I make myself smaller in the chair.

" I assume I would see you tonight, in fact, every night for the next two years. "

For the very first time, his voice does not carry boredom. He sounds amused.

" Please stop looking at me. " I whine into my palms.

" I can't. " He whispers, closer to the shell of my ears and my whole body rises in attention. Goosebumps erupt on my skin.
I slowly take my palms away, not surprised to find him gazing at me.

" Wh..what do you mean you can't? " I clear my throat.

" You are my seat partner, you live right across my room. I can't help but look at you."

Stupid Elsa.

" Ahm..agreed. I went to the admin wing, where I presented my solid arguments. I am sure they are contemplating it. "

" Of course they are. "

Good at least someone is entertained on my account.


They didn't. They turned me away the second time even before I uttered a single word.

I sulked all the way to my room. I stood in front of the window, tossing on my feet.

Should I open it?

Fuck it.

I move the curtains apart and the sight that greets me leaves me stunned. I remain rooted to my spot. My mouth hanging loose.

Illyas stood with his back to me, freshly showered, rubbing the towel on his head. With every movement of his hand every muscle, from his hand to his narrow waist, rippled. His shoulders were broad, that much I had figured from how his school shirt stretched across his shoulder, but the visual of them without the barrier of his shirt was nothing but majestic.

And majestic he was, so was his aura.
There is a silent command always thrumming around him, a command to bow down. He made everyone around him seem smaller, be it stature or presence.

I walk backwards, lying down on my bed comfortably.

Best room ever!


" You are staring. "

" Correct. "

" It's creepy. "

" No problem. "

" Desist. "

"Hmm. "

" My face is here. "

" I know. "

Does that stop me from admiring his veiny arms, when I know what he packs inside the shirt? No.

" Say Zuran, you have been hiding something. "

I look at him, a smug expression on my face as if I know his deepest secrets.

" What do you mean? " He looks alarmed. Almost.

" You Zuran, have been hiding beautiful muscles underneath. If you make a habit of flexing them every night, I would no longer have complaints with my room. " My fingers trace the collar of this shirt, winking at him suggestively, and he jerks back, completely unnerved.

I choke on my laugh, not risking getting caught by the teacher.

" Chill dude, I was pulling your leg. Seriously though, what was with that expression? Are you hiding something? Tell me. Tell me. "

" Nothing. " He responds gravely. The grumpiness meter hitting high again.

" Are you going to tell me your full name or is that even a secret? "

" Al- Zu..." He trails off, catching himself before he could complete it.

" Alzu? What? Don't tell me you are keeping it a secret!? "

" My surname is none of your business. " He clips, a jolt of chill twinging his voice.

" Get off of your high horse, you are not the king of Zuran." I bite back with equal venom.

" Yet. " He asserts with authority and confidence.

" Dream on loser. "

All he does is smirk, a minuscule tilt of his lips and my breath hitches.


" Ya Mom, I am settled in. Everyone is great here..." I catch Illyas reading by the window.

" Except for one guy, he is a real tool but the rest are great. I am enjoying myself."

His eyes flick to me, and I glare, sending a clear signal, " Don't mess with me. "

" Don't say that. It's been just 2 days, we don't judge people easily. " Mom, ever the philosopher and peacemaker. She is the flag bearer of " Love conquers all. "

" I just know, unfortunately, I have to share the same table with him for the rest of the year."

" Elsaaaa..." She chastises.

" Momm...."

" Love you, honey. "

" Love you too Mom, bye. I have homework to do. "

My study table is set up just below the window, right in front of my bed. The pending assignments already stressing me.
It takes me a good two hours to complete the questions, my hand aching. I rotate my neck, mentally ticking off the tasks.

" Did you do your research? " All other subjects have Q and A to solve, it's only
Geography where a joint assignment is given.

" Yes. "

" Do we get this amount of homework every day? "

" Mostly. " No wonder every student here is meritorious.

" Are you any good at studies? "

" I am. "

" How good? "

" That I am the topper. "

" Are you always this bland? It's like talking to an underdeveloped talking robot." He cocks his head to the side as if not understanding my issue with him, genuinely unaware.

Maybe I really judged him too soon. Illyas, as everyone explained, has voluntarily distanced himself since middle school. He was never keen on talking, laughing, joking around, playing ever since childhood. He either spends his day practising polo or reading a book in the comfort of his room.

No wonder his conversational skills are rusty.

" We are going to have to stick together no matter what given our situation. I want to enjoy my school life, and you have become an inseparable part of it. How about we start afresh? " I extend my hand, palm facing up. He stares at it pensively.

" Ok. "

He holds my fingers delicately, then slowly engulfs them in his big one. Illyas was all rough, from his hard-edged face to his body, his voice but his hand, it was all warmth. He tightens his hold, and a warm current unleashes inside my body.

Is a simple touch supposed to have that effect on you?

" Dude you gotta work on your speaking skills. " I reprimand him.

" I accept your peace offer. " He says after a minute of brainstorming. Maybe not all is lost.

" Do better. "

" It's a much-appreciated move? " He looks at me quizzically, looking for approval.

" We are not in a diplomatic meeting. " I deadpan.

He sighs, lifting his finger indicating " Give me a minute. "

" You are right. We should get along. It would be beneficial for both of us. So, friends I guess. "

" Yes, friends! "

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