Pico: Keith...
Keith: yeah?
Pico: ...I'm in love with Lola
Keith: ... *boyfriend.xml has stopped working*Berry and Forza: *cuddling* *slowly goes in for a kiss*
Dr.Golden: *grabs Berry and throws him out the window* Get That Gay Sh*t Out Of HerePuro: *sleeping*
Sahale: *sleeping on Puro's tail*
Few hours later
Puro: Human!
Yt: what's wrong?
Puro: I Can't Find Baby Anywhere!
Fanboy: which one?
Sahale: *gets out of the tail with a full grown beard* FREEDOM!Yt: *at the table with Pico* *blushing*
Pico: *drinking coffee* you okay?
Yt: where is you're shirt?
Pico: I gave it to Keith because he got his clothes messed up last night
Yt: okay
Keith: morning *has nothing but Pico's shirt on*
Yt: ...that's cute
Pico: *blushing* *slowly starts having a nose bleed*
Yt: 7w7Dt: *playing basketball with Tb*
Tb: *throws the ball*
Fe: *hits the ball away from the hoop* get that out of herePaul and Kevin: *walking at the park*
Carl: I'm about to end their whole date and eveningYt: how it feels to chew 5 gum *goes the swap au*
Swap Keith: ?
Yt: *kicks him in between the legs*
Swap Keith: !!! *falls to the ground*Strawberry and Meatloaf: *playing with each other*
Cuddles: ... *ears fold down*
Strawberry and Meatloaf: ... *goes over to play with Cuddles*Gread: hey Sahale
Sahale: hi
Gread: where is you're parents?
Sahale: at home
Gread: well, I can stay with you
Sahale: *blushes*
Random person: This Man Is A Pedophile!
Sahale: we're only 5 years apartPico: *fighting a titan*
Yt: I knew he'll be a good titan killerMiles: okay let's try *fires a mini gun at Tinky*
Tinky: *dodging all the bullets*
Walten: wowSonic: how much will this wedding cost?
Yt: $1,000 x how many people you slept with
Sonic: .....
Yt: 7w7