Keith tweets: if I see another f*cking ad I'm killing my girlfriend
Pico tweets: my fat *ss thought this was lasagna *shows a pic of spaghetti*
Keith tweets: f*ck kids who got iphones, I only got *ss and p*ssy
Lola tweets: I'll f*ck my boyfriend for some pizza right now
Pico tweets: my d*ck hurts right now
Few minutes later
Pico retweets: when did I tweet this
Few minutes later
Pico tweets: I just watched a fast food worker spit in my milkshake, I had to swag punch a b*tch, no one messes with my f*cking food
Keith tweets: My D*ck Fell Off
Few minutes later
Keith retweets: never mind...I miss Pico
Few minutes later
Keith tweets: why is my d*ck so small
Pico replies: you're 10in you lying b* you
Keith tweets: my girlfriend is the best, change my mind
Pico replies: I know how to change your mind
Keith tweets: who in the f*cking world brushes there teeth while in the shower
Pico: I beat my meat so hard to the point I started thinking of my exes
Keith tweets: I think I'm pregnant
Pico retweets: I'm got to be a dad
Lola retweets: no I will
Pico tweets: I think my dead exes are haunting me
Yt tweets: why the f*ck are you guys tweeting at 2 am in the morning
Pico retweets: we and drunk off our *sses and bored
Yt retweets: understandable, have a good night
They were all drunk, except Yt