Bt and love

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Bt: *wakes up for the day* ... *yawns and stretches* ...another day I guess *looks at Fangi-* ! *gets out of bed* The Hell?!

Fanboy: *wakes up* What's wrong Yt?

Bt: ...who the hell is Yt, and who are you?

Fanboy: *looks at Bt* ! Oh

After explaining to Bt

Bt: oh,, what do I do then?

Fanboy: explore I guess, since you're going to be here for awhile

Bt: ...okay

Few minutes later

Bt: *walking around* *walks right into Puro* !

Puro: ! Oh, sorry...different human?

Bt: uh...

Puro: why do you look like...Yt

Bt: I'm her, but a boy

Puro: okay *picks him up*

Bt: ! *blushes* Hey, What Are You Doing

Puro: oh, you are like her, she always gets flustered when picked up

Bt: o-oh...can you...put me down now

Puro: sure *puts down Bt*

Bt: ...

Puro: so, do you want to hang out sometime

Bt: uh...sure

Puro: *smiles* tomorrow at 8am?

Bt: ...yeah *goes away*

Puao: ?

Few minutes later

Bt: what is wrong with me today, first sleeping with a guy then being picked up by one *something hits him hard on the back of his head* OW, What The F*ck! *head bleeds*

Dr.Golden: Head Shot

Tb: win...

Bt: want to play dirty, then let's go...

Few minutes later

All: *on the ground*

Bt: *feeling dizy*

Tb: *passes out*

Dr.Golden: *can barely stand* ...who are you?...

Bt: *manage to get up* ...I'm Bt, and you never want to f*ck with me, let that be a lesson for you're stupid *ss *walks way, head still bleeding*

Few minutes later

Fanboy: I know you're not Yt, but you're still her, so I'm only asking for you to be careful

Bt: *has a bandage around hi head* ...alright?

Fanboy: *holds Bt close* I know I'm possibly weirding you out, but I care for you, so much

Bt: *blushes* uh

Fanboy: but, it's okay if you don't feel the same

Bt: ... *kisses Fanboy*

Fanboy: *kisses back*

Bt: I'll...try to be careful

Few minutes later

Forza: *looks at Fanboy and Bt cuddling* ...okay?

The next day

Bt: ... *looks at the time* 7:50am... *looks at Fanboy* ...

Should Bt go see Puro or sleep with Fanboy

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