Birthday | Andrew Wood

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a/n: I wrote this while listening to 'Today' by the Smashing Pumpkins so that inspired me a bit

"y/n... Y/N!"
You opened your eyes to see Andrew smiling at you with that goofy smile he always does

"It's your birthday! C'mon we gotta do something fun! We can go to the record store or to the lake or some fancy restaurant or..."

You let him ramble on as he pulled the covers off you and pulled you out of bed

"Andy, you're more excited about my birthday than I am!" you laughed

"I know, I just want you to have a good day! Now get ready because it's already 9!" you yawned, "That's still early for my standards but whatever you say!" he laughed and closed the bedroom door behind him while you grabbed your clothes and got dressed.

Once you got your outfit on, which was just a random band shirt and some jeans, you went out to the living room where you found Andy playing his NES

You leaned over the couch and rested your chin on his shoulder, "Can we just drive around town? Just look at everything and maybe blast some music?" He turned his head to face you and kissed you on the nose "Of course"

You went to get in the driver's side of your car before Andy stopped you "It's your birthday, you shouldn't have to work! Let me drive" You laughed, "Driving doesn't wear me out but whatever you say!" He just chuckled, he always likes to do things for you.

He popped a mixtape you made into the tape player of the car. "Sooo... where do you wanna go!" "I just wanna drive around and look at all the pretty sights, it's a nice day today.." You rested your head on your hand while staring out the window. "I know a good place we can go" You looked at him and raised your eyebrow "Where is it?" "Oh, you'll see!" He turned the car radio up a bit while you drifted to sleep

He put his hand on your shoulder and shook you a bit, "Hm?" "We're here, c'mon!" You got out of the car and he immediately grabbed your hand, "Follow me!" He took you through some trees and you reached a grassy area on top of a cliff that overlooked Seattle. "Andy, this is beautiful!" "I knew you'd like it!" He said pulling you down to the ground to sit with him.

You both sat in silence for a few minutes before Andy spoke up, "Really pretty view, isn't it?" "Yeah, It's lovely" You said staring at the sky. "Sorry I didn't really get you anything.." "You don't have to get me a gift, I'd rather sit here and watch the sun setting with you" You pout your arm around him and laid your head on his shoulder.

Andy smiled and picked a dandelion that was on the ground and handed it to you, "Happy birthday, y/n" you giggled and hugged him as the sun set.

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