Diving | Krist Novoselic

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It was finally sunny out, you and a few friends went to the nearby lake to swim, there was a few people in the lake already, mainly people with boats and college kids on spring break.

There was a bridge above the water that wasn't too high, but high enough to where people would jump off it into the water, you'd seen people do it before and come back out of the water, cursing at your friends about how cold the water was are and that they shouldn't have dared them to do what they just did.

"Y/n, you wanna go first?" your friend asked. "Yeah, how bad can it be?" you laughed. You positioned yourself on the ledge and jumped into the lake below. It looked really high up but in reality it wasn't so bad.

Until you hit the water.

Cold water shock. You knew the water was cold but not this cold. You wanted to gasp for air but you couldn't or else you'd inhale the ice water that surrounded your body. You felt like you were gonna pass out. You had your eyes closed but you felt a hand grab you and pull you up to their boat. You coughed and opened your eyes,

"Kurt! Get a towel or blanket or something! They look really cold! Hey, you alright?" You blinked your eyes a few times to get some of the lake water out of them, "Yeah, I think so." You said out of breath. The blonde man, who you're assuming is Kurt, walked up and handed the guy who saved you a towel, he wrapped it around you as you shivered, "Just try and catch your breath, okay?"

"HEY KRIST HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TREAT ME LIKE THAT WHEN I ALMOST DROWNED" you sat up and could see a guy with long brown hair with his arms crossed. "Dave, I already apologized, I didn't know you were in the water, it was dark out, okay?!" Dave scoffed and went over to where Kurt was hanging out.

Krist just shook his head and laughed, "I'm Krist, the guy you just saw was Dave, and Kurt's somewhere around here". he chuckled. You just smiled and pulled the towel tighter around you, "I'm y/n". Krist nodded, "y/n, nice, you feeling a bit better?" "A little, I'm still a bit cold but not as bad as before". You shrugged. Krist put his arm around you and pulled you closer to him, but quickly took his arm off, "Sorry, that was kinda awkward." He said scratching the back of his head, "No, it's fine, it actually did help warm me up a bit" You laughed.

Your friends swam up to the boat, they must've decided after I jumped that it was too dangerous for them, "Y/n! we thought you died! how are ya?!" one of your friends asked, "Yeah, it was kinda scary though" you replied. "Who's that guy?" you pointed at Krist, who had put his arm back around you, "Oh, he saved me" your friends nodded, "Well, we'll just leave you here" they laughed and swam away.

You looked over at Krist, "Do they think we're dating now or something?" He shrugged, "Maybe, let them think what they want, I mean, they did think it was safe to jump off the bridge that drunk college students find safe." You both laughed and you took off the towel you had on, "You feeling better?" "Yeah, but you can still keep your arm around me"

a/n: i kind like this ??? let me know what you think cuz i have mixed feelings about this

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