Frogs | Layne Staley

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You sat on the couch with Layne watching whatever was on, you looked at the clock on the wall as it seemed like you two had been watching TV forever

2:03 am

You sighed and grabbed the TV remote to turn the television off

"I was watching that!" Layne said in an over-dramatic tone. You shrugged at him "Well I wasn't, also, I'm still not tired"
"I'm not either"
"What should we do other than TV"
"I don't know"

You two sat in silence for a bit listening to the rain pour and the croaking frogs outside, when suddenly you had an idea

"Layne, you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"The frogs outside"
"What about the frogs?"
"Wanna see if we can find some?"

He looked at you like you had 2 heads "Why would you want to look for frogs at 2 am?!" You laughed a bit, "Frogs are cool! C'mon let's go!"

You grabbed his arm but he pulled away, "No! It's cold and wet outside! Plus, frogs are all slimy and stuff!" He made a disgusted face

"Well, suit yourself!" You grabbed your jacket and went outside, you walked over to where your window was that you head the frogs at, you lifted up a leaf and found a frog staring back at you. You scooped them up and walked back to the door.

You went back inside with the small creature in your hand, you didn't close the door as you were planning on returning the frog back to its place

You walked up to where Layne was sitting, he must've turned the TV back on while you were outside because his eyes were glued to the screen, you grabbed the remote and turned the television off once again

"Hey! Why'd you-" He paused and stared at your hand, "Put it back outside, I don't want that thing in my damn house" He pointed at the frog

"Layne, quit being a wimp, also, what's a frog gonna do to you? Look at it!" You stretched your hand out so Layne could get a closer look at the frog. He squinted at it "Eh."

"Eh?" You asked, "Layne, I really don't understand your hatred for this poor, little, frog." You pulled your hand back so you could see the frog closer.

Layne sighed, "Just put it back outside, it's probably missing it's friends or something" "Missing it's friends? So now you care about the frogs feelings!" He chuckled "Yeah, sure, I care about the frog, now go put it back!" He got up and opened the door and motioned you to go out

As you were walking out you grabbed Layne and pulled him outside with you, "You wanted the frog outside so bad, so you're gonna help me put it back, deal?" He groaned. You went back to the spot where you found the frog.

"Okay, I need you to hold that leaf up, because I found them under there." He nodded and lifted it up, revealing another frog. You put the two next to each other and Layne put the leaf down. "Okay, no more frogs in the house." "Why?" You pouted at Layne. "Because they're happy out here, and we're happy in there. Now c'mon my hair's getting wet!" You both laughed and ran back inside

Once inside Layne shook his head like a dog and droplets of water went everywhere "I JUST took my jacket off!" You smacked him playfully and went over to the couch. You looked at the clock again

2:57 am

"Alright, I think I'll go to bed" You got up and walked towards your room. "I'm taking a shower, that leaf probably had frog germs on it!" You just laughed and crawled into bed

As you drifted to sleep, you could still hear the the rain (or it might've been the shower) and the 2 frogs ribbiting outside the window, under their little leaf

a/n: no note! just stream frogs by alice in chains and look at this frog! also, you might be able to tell that I like frogs haha :)

a/n: no note! just stream frogs by alice in chains and look at this frog! also, you might be able to tell that I like frogs haha :)

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