Part 8

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Joyce: And that's everything I remember. 
Martha: Just to sum this up... you got drunk, then went to Dylan's house, then you don't remember anything except waking up in his bed and then he drove you home and convinced you that nothing happened.
Joyce: Exactly. 
Martha: Plus, you met his mom, and his, probably sister. 
Joyce: Yes. 

Martha: And you think it's embarrassing that you didn't know what to say!? What to say on something like that!?
Joyce: I know, I know... The thing is I wanted to tell thanks or something, but my tongue just... I don't know. 
Martha: Someone fell in love...
Joyce: Martha... you're not helping. 
Martha: I'm not trying to. 

I roll my eyes while she's smiling on her bed. 

Joyce: I'll go brush my hair. 
Martha: You know where's the bathroom. 
Joyce: And we'll have to go in my car. 
Martha: I drove it here last night- it's in the garage. 
Joyce: Thank you so much!

Martha: I realized you disappeared with someone. And when I saw Dylan's not there, I thought you got lucky. 
Joyce: You saw I'm not there and you did nothing!?
Martha: How was I supposed to know you got drunk and left to fuck Dylan!

Suddenly, a picture flashed in front of my eyes: Dylan lying on me. I shake my head. 

Joyce: Nothing happened!
Martha: You really think so?

I'm silent for a bit. Do I really trust him?

Joyce: Yeah...
Martha: Oh yeah, now I believe you- after that surely "yeah"

I look at her from the bathroom. 

Joyce: Shut up... how was your night?
Martha: It was awesome! I met Austin's friends and we all hit it off. 
Joyce: Mmmm, that sounds interesting. 
Martha: Not as interesting as your night. 
Joyce: Please, don't talk about it. 
Martha: Okay, okay. I won't. 
Joyce: Thanks. And thanks for the car too, see you at school. 
Martha: See you. 

I walk to my car and drive home. My parents don't know anything about the night at Dylan's house- thank God. 

It's Monday morning and my parents are in the car with their suitcases again. Sometimes, I'm thankful they work at the travel agency, so they're never home. Unlike Martha, I can pretty much do whatever I want because they trust me so much. I really betrayed them last night. 

Joyce: I'm gonna miss you so much. 
Leroy: We'll miss you too, honey. 
Sue: So much...

They hug me tight. And maybe I don't like that they're away all the time. Maybe if they weren't I would have a real family and won't be so... alone. 

Dylan's P.O.V.

Joyce closes the doors of my car and goes home. Wow- that was weird. She's so... weird- but in a good way, I think. I can't remember she doesn't remember anything. I would like to win this bet, but maybe not like this. Maybe. I'm not sure. 

Thursday. I'm looking at the computer- the math test is tomorrow and I don't get any of this shit on the computer. What the hell, I'll copy someone's paper. Suddenly, my phone rings. 

Dylan: Hello. 
Zach: Hi. How it went?
Dylan: You mean with Joyce?
Zach: Yeah, I couldn't call earlier- sorry. 
Dylan: No problem. It was... weird. 
Zach: What do you mean? It was her first time?

Dylan: No. I mean, probably- I don't know. We didn't really come to that part. 
Zach: What do you mean? You both left the party. 
Dylan: Yeah... I took her home and she threw up in my bathroom. 
Zach: Oh my God. She was so drunk?
Dylan: Yeah. And she doesn't remember anything

He starts laughing. 

Zach: Theresa's going to drink your blood because of this. 
Dylan: I know. 
Zach: So what now?
Dylan: I have no idea. I don't think she'll drink so much again cause... she's smart and she also...
Zach: Wait, what? She's smart? Where did you get that from? 
Dylan: She's a classic nerd. The last time we were together, she was talking about tattoo infections or something...

He starts laughing. 

Dylan: Are you done?
Zach: Not a chance! This is hilarious. Everyone knows that nothing seduces more than talking about infections. 
Dylan: Oh stop it. Like she knows it.
Zach: Oh, you're defending her too!? Is Dylan in love...
Dylan: Say that one more time and I swear I'll kill you. 
Zach: Okay, okay. Whatever. I may have a solution to all your problems. 

Dylan: Enlight me. 
Zach: My friend has his 21st birthday this week. I'm planning to go. 
Dylan: And how will that solve anything?
Zach: I can say Theresa too. And we all know she'll tell Joyce...
Dylan: And why would she do that?
Zach: Cause she'd done it before. 

Dylan: The month is coming to an end. I have a week and a half more and then it's done. Theresa doesn't need to look over Joyce anymore. She knows Joyce is not crazy enough to hop in bed with the first guy she meets. 
Zach: Suit yourself. But I think it's worth a shot. 
Dylan: Then call her. We'll see what will happen. 
Zach: Great. See you on Friday after 9. 
Dylan: See you. 

The next day math test passed badly- really bad. That will be F for sure. When classes ended I was smoking in front of the school with some friends. Theresa, Joyce, and, Martha exited the school together- maybe Zach's plan will work after all. 

Joyce's P.O.V.

Theresa and I are walking toward my car. With a corner of my eye, I see Dylan smoking in front of the school. I have no idea what to think about him or that night. Pictures still flash in front of my eyes from time to time- Dylan kissing me or me drinking. I try to forget everything, but I can't. 

Theresa: Joyce!
Joyce: What?
Theresa: What's up with you? You don't even listen to me or Martha anymore. 
Joyce: N- Nothing. I'm just tired. 
Theresa: Okay... so do you wanna go?
Joyce: Where?
Theresa: Jensen's throwing a party. 
Joyce: I'll think about it. 
Martha: We'll be there. 
Theresa: Great. Tomorrow after 9. 

She gives us the address and walks to her car. 

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