The Sisters of House Black

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~ 𝓑 𝓔 𝓛 𝓛 𝓐 𝓣 𝓡 𝓘 𝓧 ~
" I trust the cup will be safe Bellatrix?" said The Dark lord. "Yes, I promise My Lord," Bellatrix said, Eyes with tears as the cup was handed to her. This proved that Bellatrix Drullea Lestrange Nèe Black was his most loyal.


Bellatrix stared blankly. The cup, the cup her lord trusted her with was gone. Stolen. How did the person get it?. Bellatrix screamed, tears coming down. One thing she knew,

Bellatrix broke the Promise.
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~ 𝓝 𝓐 𝓡 𝓒 𝓘 𝓢 𝓢 𝓐 ~

"Mama! Mama!" Draco ran into his mother's arms. " Hey there Dragon," Narcissa said with a smile on her face. " Happy birthday," he said a sparkle in Draco's eyes. " this is my prez'nt" he said proudly as he handed his mother a small box.

Narcissa opened it, inside was a necklace, a small sphere was on it. A flower a narcissus one in fact, made out of diamond was in it. " it dose't have a unbr'king cha'm on it." he said sadly. "Its fine Dragon its beautiful, the best one yet! Dont tell your father i said that tho" she said a small smirk at the end of the sentence.

Draco giggled " Okey!, but promise not to break it?"

"I pinky promise"


She looked at the neacklace, Broken, Shattered, even reparo couldnt fix it. Scabior a death eater, had 'accidentally' threw it on the ground. The birthday present wasn't big but special, it was on of her gifts until two years ago that had been given by her only son.

For the second very time...

She broke a promise.

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~ 𝓐 𝓓 𝓡 𝓞 𝓜 𝓔 𝓝 𝓓 𝓐 ~

Her boyfriend soon to be husband sat next to her. " i love you you know that?" Ted said giving a small kiss on Adromenda's cheek. A small laugh escaped her, " ofcourse you tell me that a hundred times a day L'amour" ( love in french i use google translate i hope i got it right TwT).

" promise me you won't leave Menda?"

"I won't promise me you won't?"

"I promise Darling"


Adromenda Tonks Nèe Disowned Black cried, she held her daughter Nymphandora cried in her mother's arms. Ted had been caught and killed by the snatchers.

It was clear...

The promise shared was now Broken.

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~ ꇙ꒐ꇙ꓄ꏂꋪꇙ ꄲꊰ ꁝꄲ꒤ꇙꏂ ꃳ꒒ꆰꉔꀘ ~
"Bella Andy wait!" called a 7 year old Narcissa black. Bellatrix was leaving for Hogwarts this year and the youger sisters wanted to spend time with Bellatrix as much as they can before September.

"we are sisters nothing and i mean NOTHING can take us apart!" said Bellatrix proudly. "Nothing shall stop us!" said Adromenda to the imaginary ghost. "And it's a promise that never can be broken!" All three said at once.


Adromenda was gone. Narcissa cried for hours after her disownedment of her marring a mudblood. Bellatrix tried to sooth her, telling Cissa that Menda was a disgrace, but deep down she cared for her and wanted to cry.


Bellatix was dead. Adromenda with her orphaned grandson. And Narcissa alone.

The three never remembered what promise they made before 1962 but they knew one thing

A promise was broken.

This is going to be a two shot

Bellatrix: 1951
Adromenda: 1954
Narcissa: 1955

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