twenty two

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Is this really it? Is this the end? I think to myself as I look around this mess. There is rubble everywhere from what the dark lord has done. He's ruined everything, my whole entire life has been crumbled, destroyed. Everywhere I have walked and ran from his death eaters and revolting creatures, I'm standing on something that has been completely wrecked. The great hall is the only room in the whole of Hogwarts that is still standing, although filled with injured. And dead. I walk around searching for the Harry, Hermione and Ron when I see them walking towards the Weasley family.. they're all crying. I'm walking faster, practically running. But I freeze in place when I see what I never ever thought I would see. Ron is falling to pieces, I can see it in his eyes. He's fallen to his knees, his hands resting on.. Fred. Fred's gone. My tears are escaping my eyes and I have a flood of memories fill my brain. When they saved Harry from uncle Vernan, got in trouble for steeling the car. When they tried the aging potion to take part in goblet of fire. Not forgetting when they were taking bets on Harry that he would die in the Dragon task. But when they opened the shop in diagon alley. George idolised his twin brother when they opened that shop, he idolised him full stop. It's like he's lost apart of him.

I can't imagine what is going through his head right now. I can hardly even breath right now, I feel like I'm not even myself right now. Everything around me has just gone silent, all I can see is Hermione and Harry in tears. Not forgetting the whole Weasley family and I can't help but wonder where Draco is? Ever since the room of requirement went on fire he's gone completely rogue.

"You don't have to stay here Lily. If you need to go find Draco. We understand." Harry tells me as he brings me into an embrace, holding me tight. Just as he knows I'd like. I just wish it was Draco.

"No I can't leave you all here, I can't leave you like this" I manage to break a sentence but I know in the back of my head. I want to go and find Draco.

"No you need to go, we can handle-." Harry pauses, he stares in the distance like he can see something. He's confused.

"What is it?" I ask as I turn my head around myself to see what he is so confused about. But I see. It's Draco stood at the doorway of the Great hall. Just as I was saying how he was going rogue. He appears and I've never been happier to know he's okay .

"I'll be right back" I tell Harry as I quickly run towards Draco.

I don't think I've ever run so fast, I jump into his arms and he spins me around, his hands around my waist tight as he puts me back standing. But I can't bring myself to let go. I feel safe in his arms, and knowing he's alright despite the whole situation with Harry in the room of requirement. They all came running out but Draco ran off. I didn't even get chance to speak to him before him and Blaise cleared off, they were too fast for me to watch up with them. But in this moment with Draco, makes me at home. At ease. He's too important to me to loose him during this, he's apart of the dark lord and I don't know how I'm going to protect him. But I'll do something.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?!" Draco's worried as he checks my face for where the dry blood is coming from, checking the rest of my body. I know it's just an excuse so he can touch me up, so I push him off and smile. He knows what I'm thinking.

"I'm fine, it's just a little scratch chill. Besides, where the hell did you clear off to? Goyle just died in there, we saved you and Blaise. But you run off not giving me any explanation" I practically shout at the top of my voice and my breathing gets faster and faster the more I'm panicking about what happened. But Draco reassures me as he places his hands on each of my arms to calm me down. Still panicking he crashes his lips to mine giving me a gentle reassurance, making me feel a little more at ease.

"I'm sorry we went off on one. But you need to know something. But you have to promise you will do nothing to stop me, or Harry" Draco says with a worry in his eyes. He's serious, which makes me panic all the more. He's got tears in his eyes, it's got to be important which is making this much harder to agree with him when I don't even know what he's talking about yet.

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