Beep Boop - VOY

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Trigger warning: none


A relieved sigh leaves Harry's lips as he enters his quarters after his long shift on the bridge. He opens his uniform and takes off the jacket while he walks into his bedroom to change, his mind already thinking about the rest of his day. Even though he feels tired, he's excited for the afternoon activity Tom and he planned. About a week ago Tom finished programming a new novel for the holodeck, but for the last few days both of them were too busy to start playing it. But today they agreed to meet up at the holodeck after their shifts are over.
Humming quietly to himself Harry changes out of his uniform and into the costume he designed for this new program. It happens to be one of Harry's favourite novel series that Tom programmed, so of course he's thrilled to finally give it a try and immerge himself in this fictional world. As soon as he's sure that his outfit is complete, he leaves his quarters again, a smile on his lips. Carrying the hat that goes with his costume in his hand he walks through the corridors of the Voyager towards the holodecks, taking the turbolift to reach his destination. He doesn't care that he looks a little out of place in his attire, because he's too preoccupied thinking about meeting the characters of this novel. Maybe he'll have to adjust some of the settings knowing Tom and his ways, especially with the female characters, but at the moment that doesn't bother the Ensign too much.
After a few minutes he arrives at the holodeck where he and Tom agreed to meet, but the Lieutenant isn't there yet. So Harry decides to wait for his friend in front of the holodeck, even though he really wants to check out the program. Still he waits, out of respect for Tom, who probably still has to change into his costume. Or maybe he's grabbing a snack.
While he waits Harry tries to look like he belongs here, even though he starts to feel uncomfortable wearing these unordinary clothes. Whenever a crewmate passes him he smiles as a greeting, hoping that no one asks him why he's just standing there. A few minutes pass, yet Tom is nowhere to be seen. Nervously harry shifts his weight from one foot to the other while looking around, hoping he'll spot Tom coming towards him.
With every moment that passes by and Tom doesn't show up, Harry's heart sinks. Slowly it becomes unlikely that his friend is just late, and if that would be the case he'd already contacted Harry to tell him. No, the feeling that overcomes Harry is an angry one, mixed with a tinge of sadness. Did Tom forget about their meeting?
Now it's been thirty minutes since Harry arrived at the holodeck and waited, when he suddenly hears Tom's voice coming from behind him. Just as he turns around he sees Tom coming into view, still in his uniform, with a woman besides him. Harry's face darkens as he sees both of them and his anger becomes stronger.
"Hey Tom," he calls out and only now his friend notices him standing there. With a surprised smile he lifts his hand to greet him.
"Oh, hey Harry. What's up buddy?"
Tom's grinning face fuels his anger even more and he lifts both his eyebrows.
"Really now? We were supposed to meet here thirty minutes ago, remember?"
Immediately Tom's grin falters as he realises his mistake. He truly forgot his friend.
"Great," Harry sighs and ruffles his hair, trying not to snap at his friend in front of the other crewmate. "Well then, have fun you two."
Even Tom hears the bitterness in his friend's voice as he turns around and walks away from the holodeck.
"Harry, wait! I didn't mean to upset you!" Tom calls out, but Harry has already reached the next turbolift. Before Tom can run after him, the door closes and the lift takes the Ensign back to his quarters.

The next day Harry leaves his quarters in the morning to start his next shift on the bridge. He still feels disappointed and angry at the fact that Tom forget their meeting in the holodeck. Of course, he could have just played the program by himself, but that wouldn't be the same.
Just as the turbolift doors are about to close, someone manages to squeeze through the door. As soon as Harry realises that it's Tom who is now standing next to him, out of breath, he rolls his eyes and keeps looking straight ahead.
"Hey Harry!" Tom greets him and he nods.
"Look, I'm sorry. I simply forgot about the program, and about you. But if you want we could try again tomorrow?" Tom tries to apologise to his friend, but he just shrugs.
"I'd rather just spend my evening alone than risk being forgotten by you again."
"Come on, you can't be mad at me forever," the Lieutenant jokes and nudges Harry with his elbow. As the Ensign doesn't respond again he sighs.
"Ah, apparently you can."
Then he seems to have an idea, because he leans closer to Harry until the Ensign can almost feel him breathing down his neck.
"Beep Boop."
The sudden whisper startles the young Ensign enough to make him flinch and turn around to his friend, who's grinning from ear to ear.
"Apparently when you whisper 'Beep Boop' to yourself you cannot help but laugh. I figured it might work for you if I did it."
Now Harry lets out an exasperated chuckle, but now it becomes harder for him to stay mad at Tom. He is his friend, and he knows exactly how to cheer him up.
"You're unbelievable," he chuckles and Tom laughs.
"So it's tomorrow?"
"Yeah yeah."
With a proud smirk Tom watches his friend when the turbolift door open to reveal the bridge.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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