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"y/n, who were they?" gabi spoke, in the midst of you two fleeing from the area, sasha and connie now gone from the rooftop. you looked at her and gulped audibly, staying silent for a moment, hesitating. "i-" you began before another loud explosion surged through the air, ringing your ears. you looked back at gabi, who was awaiting your answer. you touched her shoulder, shaking your head softly. "i'll tell you later, now we have to focus on getting you to safety and finding falco and colt,"

gabi huffed at you, breaking herself free from your grip gently. "i'm not going to let them get away with this... i cant.. you cant!" you looked down at your bloodied jacket, the blood from udo by now had dried onto you, the stains looked almost brand new. "i'm going to kill him.." gabi spoke through gritted teeth, making you look up at her. "i'm going to kill eren jaeger!" her voice rose, like a flame being born, she quickly stood up and grabbed a fallen soldiers gun and ran off into where the explosions came, you following behind her closely.

"gabi! wait!" gabi paid no attention to your calls, instead ran faster toward the ruckus. you could see pieck and porco's titan perched on top of the roof of an untouched building. you could see scouts scattered across the clearing, many being shot to their deaths, and many avoiding the bullets fired from pieck's armored canon resting on her head. there was so much going on at once, your head running wild.

finally catching onto gabi's pace, you pulled her sleeve harshly, causing her to stop in her tracks, her momentum caused her to be jagged forward and then into your chest, the barrel of the gun pointed in the air. "gabi, please take a minute to think. this isn't safe, you're 12! you haven't any idea what eren nor his people are capable of!" you spoke, your hands shaking slightly from adrenaline. gabi looked up at you, angrily raising her eyebrow, fighting her way out of your grip.

"why should i? open your eyes! udo and zofia are dead! why aren't you doing anything about it? they're destroying our home and killing our people!" you swallowed slowly, hearing her words brought your mind great sorrow, knowing that the same events happened to the people of paradis island. this was what it was all for. being sent on a pointless mission to ruin people's lives, gain their trust, only to be revealed as an imposter among them, and now pay the ultimate price for the damage caused.

losing your home, your brother, all seemed too good to be true. you wished this was a nightmare, you wished you were hallucinating, to be shaken awake by udo and greeted to see zofia and falco's faces, you longed to turn back time when they were all happily eating food emptying poor reiners pockets without a care in the world, unknownst what was to come. this nightmare that has plagued you for years among returning to liberio were finally coming true.

you looked up, hearing a loud explosion near, propelling you and gabi backwards. you hit a wall of debris, your head coming into contact with it first. gabi, pushed into you, slowly worked herself up, rubbing her limbs cautiously. "are you okay?" she asked you, now opening your eyes, putting your hand to your head, a trickle of blood ran down where your hair covered. (if ur bald then im sorry) you nodded slowly, using the ground, placing your hands down for better leverage to stand yourself up.

"we have to find falco," you slurred your words, coming back into full consciousness after being knocked into a daze. you could see from afar pieck struggling amongst the roof with porco, who was fending off scouts from attacking pieck. they emerged from all directions, the machine gun on pieck's head repeatedly going off until it suddenly stopped. you and gabi ran until you found soldiers, gabi immediately going over to talk to him.

"stop as many as you can," he spoke, shooting several scouts, their bodies dropping to the ground, where blood pooled around their bodies. it was a blood bath. you followed gabi closely, arming yourself with a shotgun from a fallen soldier, aiming your barrel towards the sky, shooting at the incoming scouts. it was if it was raining bodies, people dropped left and right, most of them looked fairly young, like teenagers.

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