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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The Pogues were taking in the orange sunset that was painted across the sky, as John B stood on the roof of a model home looking down at his friends standing below him.

Sage sat on the ground, looking up at John B worried that he was going to fall, considering he was slightly intoxicated by the cheap beer that JJ had snagged from his dad's supply.

"That's what, a three story fall to the deck?" Pope asked, trying to get in John B's head.

"Yeah I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." Sage laughed, and John B shot his tongue out at her.

"Hm." John B hummed, tipping his head back and taking a large swig of his beer. "Should I do it?" John B asked, lifting one leg up and balancing on the roof.

"Yeah, jump." JJ said holding up a drill, and pointing it at John B. "I'll shoot you on the way down." JJ said with a laugh.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kie groaned, walking out of the model home.

"I'll be honest if I had the money, I would too." Sage laughed. Kie rolled her eyes, plopping down next to Sage, and grabbing herself a beer.

Kie held out a second beer, offering it to Sage, but she shook her head, declining her offer politely.

"This use to be a turtle habitat, but I mean who cares about the turtles I guess." Kie sighed then, "Could you maybe not kill yourself?" Kie asked, looking up at John B.

"Don't spill that beer, I'm not giving you another one." JJ said taking a swig of his own beer. John B wobbled, but caught himself before he fell to his death.

His beer, not so lucky.

"Shit." John B muttered. The beer fell three stories, and slammed onto the ground, exploding all over Sage.

"John B." Sage whined, cringing at the awful beer smell that already started to radiate off of her. JJ chuckled, before he took off his tank top, and handed it to Sage. Sage smiled at him, before she pulled her crop top up over her head and slipped on JJ's dry shirt.

JJ admired her with wide eyes, while the rest of the group sat there laughing at how JJ treated her like a princess, but everyone else the complete opposite.

"Of course you did, right after I said that." JJ sighed. John B groaned at the loss of his beer, before he plopped down on his butt.

"Dumbass." Kie mumbled, crossing her arms across her chest.

Sage looked over her shoulder, and saw a white SUV pull up. On the side of the car, it read 'ACT Security' in bright blue letters.

"Uh guys, security's here." Sage said, quickly gathering all of her things, her friends not hesitating to do the same.

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