2. Dinner Confrontations

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Sitting at the table, I glanced around the restaurant silently. My one hand kept rubbing at my sore arm, I hated to admit how much it actually hurt at the moment. My eyes every now and then would catch sight of the very server. My heart raced once again as I saw the black eye, did Kioshi? Did he truly protect me?

Glancing towards Kioshi nervously, I saw his hand with the red knuckles gripped into a fist. Following his gaze, I saw him glaring angrily at the server. Suddenly Kioshi glanced at me once more, as I looked down at the table shyly.

"Sweetie, are you sure you're alright?" My mom suddenly asked, as I felt all eyes on me once more. "I want to see your arm. You keep rubbing at it."

Gulping nervously, I shook my head quickly, causing my soft somewhat shaggy hair to move around my face. "N-no mom. I'm f-fine. I swear." But I should have known she would have picked up the worry in my voice, all due to my soft stutters.

"Akira Okita, let me see your arm."

Hearing my full name escape in that tone, I knew there was no way out of this. But we were currently in a very public restaurant, as I looked about nervously before I held my arm out to my mom. She gently pushed up my sleeve, and I heard the shocked gasp leave her lips.

"Who grabbed you!" She whispered out in a mixture of concern and anger. Looking back towards my arm it was clear, a hand print showed as I stared down at it silently. "Who did this to you darling?" When I remained silent she was about to speak up again, however I looked up in shock hearing his deep voice break the silence.

"The server who brought our meals grabbed him earlier. I saw it when I went to wash my hands." Kioshi looked to my arm seeing the visible hand print, and I swore I heard a growl come from him. My heart raced madly as I stared up at him shyly.

"Which server was he again? I want to report this to the manager on duty!" Mr Tashiro spoke up, anger evident in his voice as well.

"P-please, I'm fine." I whispered weakly. I didn't want this celebration to be ruined all because of me.

"Father, please calm down." Kioshi interrupted his father. "I will speak to the manager myself, since I was the witness after all."

His father sighed in understanding. "Yes you are right my son. Hearing you say such a thing, makes me proud knowing you are truly a man now. I will leave this in your hands then Kioshi."

Slowly Kioshi stood up before looking towards me. "Come Akira." I stared at him in shock, as I felt myself sink lowly into my seat.

"N-no, I'm okay h-here..." I whispered weakly.

I watched as Kioshi sighed out, clearly annoyed. "The manager will want to ask you if my accusation is true, plus we can show him the evidence on your arm. Now come on. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can get back to the celebration." He mumbled, as I groaned and slowly stood up.

I looked back to my mom and new step dad, bowing my head shyly. "I am sorry for ruining the celebration. We will be back shortly."

I was nervous as I followed behind Kioshi. I wasn't paying attention since I was lost in my thoughts, so when he stopped walking, I found myself walking right into his back.

"Watch it!" He hissed at me, as I blushed madly.

"S-sorry..." I whispered shyly, as I heard him speaking to the person who welcomes everyone. But my mind was so distracted. His back I just ran into, it was so strong and sturdy. I bet being held in his arms against his chest would feel amazing too. These thoughts made my heart speed up, as my face burned deeper.

We didn't need to wait long, as we were soon joined by the manager on duty. He led the two of us into a room away from the public, well more like an office I guess you would call it. I cleared my thoughts, as I stood there looking down at the ground quietly.

"I heard you had a complaint with one of our employees?" The older male spoke, as he eyed Kioshi and then myself.

"Yes, one of your employees grabbed my little brother roughly not long ago, and did it rather forcefully too. So hard that he bruised my brother's skin. Akira, show him."

I stood there silently, as Kioshi and the male looked towards me. I gulped and was too nervous to move. Kioshi sighed and walked next to me. He took my arm in his hands, instantly lifting the sleeve revealing the already deeper shaded bruise now.

I heard the manager sigh, and asked which employee caused this issue.

"He is the one now sporting a black eye. Forgive me, I may have acted too harshly and on whim. But he did harm my little brother after all."

"No no, I understand. And I do apologize for this. I will speak with him personally, and get this matter sorted. I will also inform your new server that your dinner for you and your family will be on the house. A way for us to say we are sorry that this happened."

"Thank you." Kioshi nodded his head, and I quickly did as well. "Come Akira, our parents are waiting for us."

The manager left quickly, most likely to get the server, as we also left the office when I froze in my place. "T-thank you. You stood up for me back there, and you could have gotten in trouble for punching him. I just t-thank you Kioshi."

Kioshi eyed me and sighed as he ran his hand through his black hair. His almost matching black eyes looked off towards the side. "I only did it because we are a family now, Akira. Don't get the wrong idea about all of this, and take it like I actually like you or some shit. I was fine without a little brother in my life all these years, and I don't need one bothering me, or following me around now." He growled deeply, making me shiver, as he quickly walked off. Sighing under my breath, I hurried after him back to our table.

The rest of the evening at the restaurant was just awkward for me. I hated that I was so in love with Kioshi. To him I was literally nothing. Just some brat that he was forced to act nice to around our parents.

Once we finally arrived at home, Kioshi got out of his dad's car and started to walk off. "I'm going out, don't wait for me." He called to his dad instantly, as he pulled his cigarette pack from his pocket.

I gazed at his back as he started to walk away. Already knowing he was most likely on his way to find some girl for the evening, to help get his mind off tonight.

"Darling, are you sure you are alright?" My mother asked softly the moment the three of us were now inside the house.

I nodded my head softly. "Yes mom, I am sorry I caused you both so much trouble and worry."

"Akira, you are never of any trouble to us." I looked up to see my new father speaking softly. I smiled up to him and he nodded. "It's been a busy evening. Why not go get some rest son?"

"I think I will, goodnight both of you."

With that, I made my way to my room. His room. No, our room.

Sighing I pulled off my shirt and pants, before I slipped on my pajama pants and a shirt. I always felt too awkward and shy of my body to sleep in just boxers. Especially knowing I shared the room with him.

Climbing up the ladder of the bunk bed I slept in, I sighed once more as I lay on my back. Gazing up at the ceiling, my hazel eyes stare upwards at nothing of importance.

It was warm here tonight. Too warm for a blanket, as I just lay there on top of all of mine. Stretching my arms up over my head, my shirt slightly lifted up my body exposing some of my stomach as I yawned tiredly.

One arm bent to rest against my head, as my other lay beside me. My eyes slowly drifted shut, as I fell asleep breathing softly.


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