3. Moving In

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"Why is this happening to me! Why does the world have it out for me?"

Groaning under my breath, my hands grip at my soft light brown hair. This was truly way too much for one guy to handle. Loving him for all these years in secret was bad enough. But now?

Not only will Kioshi be around more often now. We will be sharing a room at home together. As well as seeing him at my high school. Knowing my bad luck, he will also be a teacher's assistant for one of my classes too. I am already preparing myself for this to happen. Well, trying to prepare myself. Plus the huge fact that Kioshi literally hates me, doesn't help in this situation. This is truly too much for a guy like myself to handle.

"It can't be all that bad, Akira. Perhaps you are over exaggerating this a little?"

Flicking my hazel eyes up at my best friend, a soft sigh escapes my lips.

"Trust me Han, I wish I were exaggerating. He absolutely hates me."

"I don't think that is true." Hannah gave me a knowing look. "From what you told me about last night's dinner at the restaurant. He must have punched that guy because he cares for you. I don't think he would have done that, if he really hated you deep down."

"Why must you always be so optimistic?" The words came out more as a statement and not like a question.

Watching her shrug her shoulders, she merely stood up from the seat across from me. "Be right back. I will get us another drink. I think we need them." Chuckling softly, she walked back to the counter in the cafe we were sitting in.

Hanna has beautiful soft blonde hair that falls to her back. She mainly wears it tied back in a braid, to keep it out of her way. One day I even helped her dye her hair. So now mixed in her natural blonde hair, was pink highlights. It suited her nicely.

Not to mention, she has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. They are just so bright and vivid, and full of life and love.

Hannah and myself have been best friends since as long as I can remember. Guess you could say during our younger years, we were both outcasts. Myself for my girly name and looks. Hannah for her more filled out body.

As a girl, she was always more on the chubby side. She didn't have that picture perfect body that all girls want and crave for. She didn't have the form that guys apparently want to lust over. She would be teased for her body weight, when in all honesty she wasn't that big. She was just filled out a little more on the chubby side. But to me she was beautiful.

Hanna still was a little chubby to this day, but she doesn't let it bother her anymore. She is one of the strongest people I know, as she pushed past all the hate and cruel words thrown her way. Deciding to just live her life how she pleased. She stopped feeling guilty about eating sugary snacks when she truly craved one. Hanna was truly comfortable with her looks, and if anyone teased her. She just merely walks away without getting upset. She is truly an inspiration to anyone who gets bullied for their weight.

"Here we go." Returning to our table, she placed the caffeinated frappuccinos before us. Strawberry flavoured for herself. Caramel for me.

"Thanks." Flashing her a smile, I picked up my drink and took a good long sip through the straw.

"So back to what we were talking about?" Her blue eyes looked upon me as I sighed and groaned once more.

"Stop reminding me of my suffering."

This made her laugh softly. Hanna was the only one I trusted in my life, to know about my feelings towards Kioshi. Towards my new older step brother.

"Well I'm sticking with my original thoughts. He doesn't hate you. I believe it is all an act of his." Sipping her own drink she grinned at me suddenly. "Speak of the devil."


My body jumped on its own. Spinning around in my seat. My heart started to race inside my chest. In the lineup for a coffee, he always drank it black. Was Kioshi himself. He stood there on his phone, he seemed to be staring at something on his screen. Perhaps he was reading something? Maybe looking at a picture? Who knows. But I oddly wanted to know.

Blinking my eyes, I almost screamed. Hanna without me knowing was suddenly walking up to Kioshi. She was trying to peek at his phone as he saw her and suddenly shoved his phone into his pocket.

"What do you want?" His deep voice spoke out.

This only made Hanna smile more. "I just wanted to congratulate you. Akira told me about you getting hired at our school."

The mention of my name, Kioshi's black eyes landed upon me. Staring at me for a moment. He looked off instantly. "Whatever. Leave me alone." Grumbling, he walked up to the counter and placed his order.

Meanwhile Hanna walked back towards me. "What were you thinking!" My words were quiet yet panicked.

"What?" Sitting back down she sipped her drink some more. "You were curious what he was looking so intently at too. Weren't you Kira?" She spoke using the nickname only she called me.

"No, not really." That was a lie. A huge lie.

The grin on her face only grew. "You sure? Because from what I saw, I'm pretty sure it was a photo of you."

"WHAT!" My voice echoed around the cafe, catching many attention from others. One including Kioshi. His dark eyes went from Hanna who was smirking to my blushing self. He looked off instantly.

Grabbing his coffee, he stormed out of the cafe quickly.

"Well, I think it was you anyway. I didn't get a good enough look. It was of someone sleeping, with their stomach exposed. I only saw a glimpse of it, but I didn't quite see their face. Looked like a guy though, It looked like your body.

This made me heat up. Clearly last night I fell asleep upon all my blankets. When I woke up, I had a completely different blanket on my form. When I asked mom about it, she said it wasn't her. Did Kioshi place it over me? Did he take a picture of me first? My body felt ready to burst.

"Clearly you saw something wrong. He would never take a picture of me, unless it was an embarrassing photo to use as blackmail." Sighing I stared at my frappuccino and drank some more. Enough to give myself a small brain freeze as I winced and rubbed my temples.

"Who knows. Maybe I saw it wrong and it was his last hookup?" Shrugging, Hanna looked at me. "But I'm still sure he doesn't hate you, not fully anyways."

"Okay, enough. New subject now please."


Arriving home later that day, entering our bedroom I spotted boxes everywhere. My eyes also landed on Kioshi's cellphone on his bed. My mind went to that photo Hanna saw him looking at. The urge to look at his photos hit me hard.

However before I could even step forward I heard a deep voice behind me. "Move it, you're in my way."

Jumping in fright, spinning around I saw him holding a box. "Uhh, sorry." Moving out of his way in an instant. He dropped the box on his bed and snatched up his phone.

"Tell your friend, she shouldn't try to look at another's phones like that. What did she see?" A deep low growl like sound almost escaped him, making me shiver. That sound was so hot to me.

"N-nothing. She didn't see much, just someone laying down."

Staring at the man I loved, I watched him flip through his phone only to show me a photo. "Tell her this is what she saw. And not to snoop again." He hissed out, as my eyes landed on a half naked girl laying on a bed. "Got it?" He whispered as I nodded looking off.

"Yeah, don't worry. S-sorry she did that. Want any help unpacking?" I didn't want to offer, but I did just out of courtesy.

"No. Don't touch my stuff, ever." Sending me a glare I nodded quickly.

Rushing, I grasped one of my books from the shelf his father set up for me. Before I hurried out of the room wanting to get out of his way. Plus if I stayed in there, I was too scared I would be caught staring at him once again.

"Well it's official." The words left my lips in a sigh, as I made my way outside and sat under a tree in our yard. "He is moving in."


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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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