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Thank you for reading my Book, Please note the quick following things:

Any photos used I do not own unless I draw them...
Any Characters used I do not own...UNLESS THEY ARE MY OC's


I spend so much time and effort coming up with each oc character, as well as the plots of the stories. So please come up with your own and do not copy mine.

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Some stories do have Trigger Warnings....
Thank you for understanding.....please do enjoy!

Pink Angel~

Life is Cruel
Written and Published 2022

Walking home from the cafe, the sky decided to be cruel that very moment and drenched my body in rain. The tiny sigh escaped my lips, as I glanced up towards the raining dark sky. Water droplets fell upon my face, while I pulled the hood of my sweater up over my soft and now slightly damp brown hair.

Today was a good day. I got to spend time at my favourite cafe hangout, which included talking with my two best friends. This was always my favourite way to pass the time, if I am being honest.

My world has been changed so drastically in such a cruel way, that being at home was tough at times now for me. So I always loved to escape to this cafe, aka my safe haven. The smell of coffee has always been soothing to me, while I always sat at this one table reading a book. My two best friends also both work at the cafe, so it worked out perfectly being able to see them whenever I go there.

Finally making my way home, I stood there completely drenched and dripping wet. My clothes soaked now stuck to my skin, as I pulled out my keys unlocking the front door. I knew both mom and her husband were still at work, at this time of day. Meaning the place would be empty, and all to myself. Plus he wouldn't be home yet anyways. He always tries to avoid being home during the day it seems, as well as most nights.

"I need to change." A soft light chuckle left my lips, as I just realize how soaked I truly was. One look at me, and one would think I jumped into the lake fully clothed.

Walking along the house, water dripped from my wet clothes. Causing the floor beneath my feet to become wet, as I made my way towards my bedroom.

Nearing my room I saw the door almost shut, except for about an inch. I knew before I left that it was open. Perhaps mom shut it after I left earlier?

Stepping closer to the door, my body froze in its place. I heard sounds coming from behind the door, causing my heart to race in my rib cage.

Deep heavy breathing, that is what I could clearly hear. Gulping, I raised a hand to my chest nervously. I have walked in on him pleasuring himself one too many times already, and I was too shy to do it again.

However I couldn't remain in these drenched, cold clothes.

Stepping forward I heard the deep breathing and soft moans, they were his moans. My body shook from both my nerves, and the fact my body was ice cold now from the rain. My hand raised to push open the door, however I froze once more as my face went beat red.

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