You don't have to be a woman to be a desirable Princess

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There was once a young farm boy by the name of Krees who fell in love with the prince of the kingdom, Treste. The prince of the land once announced there to be a ball by the end of the fortnight. With this exciting news, the young farmer decided that he wanted a chance with the prince despite being a man.

Krees made a gown of white with the help of his animal friends to be as elegant and extravagant as the woman that would show up. His hair not being as long as he'd like it be, made a wig of hair that would go to the length of his mid back. He prepped his hair in a way that complimented his natural features, got comfortable low-rise shoes  and put the ensemble aside for that night of the grand extravaganza.

The night of the ball arrived, and you could feel the excitement in the air as the music from within the castle walls played. Krees being part of the first to arrive, was able to awe at the castle brightly illuminated by the gaslights upon the garden at the entrance. At the arrival of the people of the kingdom, the kingsmen released million's of little fireflies to dance upon the night's air, showing them the first night's dance. The beauty of the experience was greatly enhanced as to make it appear like a fairy tale paradise; a night to always remember.

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