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   It was the night before the party and I was so nervous it was absurd. Ridiculous. I had never been one to really care what others thought of me but here I was, a complete wreck from my nerves that made me suddenly care about what the other kids would think of me.

   I had even debated cancelling but a tiny voice in my head kept telling me not to. To just go and see what it was like being a normal teenager. 

Crazy little voice. 


   I raised my head from my position on the bed. I had completely sprawled out across the mattress even though it wasn't bedtime. We haven't even eaten dinner yet.

"It's your mom," Callie gave me an almost apologetic look and raised her phone slightly, "Do you want to talk to her?"

   Ever since I hung up on her that evening of the day she visited the hospital, I had made an effort to avoid having to talk to her. 

   She was adamant though, I'll give her that. She would call Callie at least a dozen times a day, even when Callie was at the hospital and part of me felt guilty for that. It did make me wonder though why my mother was suddenly so obsessed with me.

"Summer?" Callie snapped me out of my thoughts, "I think you should talk to her...she's just going to keep calling and calling."

   I nodded and sat up, reaching out for the phone. It was only because of Callie though. Maybe I could get my mother to stop calling her 24/7. 

"Hello," I spoke numbly into the phone, "This is Summer."

"Oh sweetheart," She said, making my stomach queasy, "Why haven't you been picking up. I've called so many times and every time Katie has just been telling me that you don't want to talk to me. Is she not letting me speak to you because if she is, Summer I can-"

"Stop talking," I told her, "First of all, it's Callie. Second of all, Callie is a surgeon at a hospital and you calling her all the time while she's there isn't going to work with me so stop that. Plus, if you haven't picked up on it yet, I don't want to speak to you."

   Maybe I was a little too harsh because the silence told me that she was a little hurt. Despite my current feelings towards her though, I still felt a little bad for what I said.

"Look, I don't know how you think you can just suddenly waltz back into my life," I tried to keep my voice calm and somewhat gentle, "You're the one who left remember? You're the one who didn't want me to come back. You've been absent my entire life and now you suddenly want to be my mom. Sorry, but I don't work like that."

"We can take things slow," She pleaded, "Once a week. Just let me see you once a week."

I didn't want to see her ever again.

"No," I swallowed, "Please don't make me do this. I'm not ready to just get over what you've done."

   She sighed, "Well, you're never going to get over it if we never talk this out. I swear if that Katie chick is feeding you all this crap."

"It's Callie," I said, in a surprisingly calm manner, "And no, she is not feeding me anything, well, besides food."

"I wasn't going to tell you this, but since they've clearly brainwashed you, I may as well," She sounded sad, "I'm planning to sue them for full custody of you. I am your mother, it isn't fair-"

   Before she could finish though, I hung up and tossed the phone onto the other side of the bed, watching as it hit with a light thump.

This wasn't happening.

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