Party, Part 2(Chapter 12)

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The party wasn't much fun and I was just talking to Gon and Kurapika the whole time. It was also getting kinda late so Kurapika said he would take me home but once we left the kitchen and entered the living room I saw it. Killua was sitting on the couch with Emily on his lap as they were kissing.

Kurapika quickly realized what was happening and pulled me out of the living room and brought me out of the house. I could feel tears prick in my eyes and I tried so hard to not let them fall. Kurapika put his arm around me to try and comfert me so I leaned my head into his shoulder. Tears started to stream down my face but I decided to just let them fall.

We soon arrived at my house and tears were still falling down my face. "Hey, he's an idiot okay? Killua could've gotton drunk or something. Don't think too much about it and try and get some sleep." Kurapika said as he whiped my tears and gave me a hug.

I nodded but didn't say anything and walked into the house hoping that Hisoka was asleep by now. "What happened?!" Hisoka asked with anger laced in his voice and let out huge amounts of blood lust as I took off my shoes adn carried them. "Nothing." I responded and started to walk up to my room. "I swear to god I will kill that Zoldyck!" I heard him call after me but I didn't respond.

I didn't feel like talking to anyone or doing anything. Even though I don't feel like changing my clothes I know that these will be uncomfortable to sleep in. I walked in my room, set my shoes down, adn changed into sweatpants and a hoodie. My phone was blowing up in my hand but I just ignored it and put it on silent before I went to bed.


When I woke up it was like 3 in the afternoon but I still felt so tired even though I was asleep for over 12 hours. My phone was charging on my nightstand so I unplugged it and started to look through my notifications. Killua texted me asking me if I got home safe and who walked me back which I didn't even think about replying to. Gon texted me saying that Kurapika told him what happened and was asking me if I'm okay which I didn't feel like responding to.

Kurapika texted me and asked me if I was okay and if I wanted to talk which I didn't feel like responding to either. I reached over to grab the remote to my tv and just started to watch Naruto.


It was now 8:05pm and I haven't left my bed at all today, not even to go to the bathroom. My phone had dung a few times and a few people called but I didn't bother to answer any of the texts or pick up any of the calls. Sasuke and Naruto were arguing adn were being gay for each other when someone interupted it.

Hisoka was standing in the doorway of my room so I paused the tv and looked over at him. "What?" I asked slightly annoyed that he interupted the show. "Get up, you've been in bed all day." he ordered looking me
dead in eye.

"No." I said in monotonous tone. "You haven't showered today, haven't eaten, probably haven't even gone to the bathroom or gotten out of bed at all. So, get up." he orded again but I just stayed in my bed and returned my attention back to the tv but when I was about to grab it it flew across the room into Hisoka hand. "Seriously Hisoka?! Using your bungee gum to take the remote?!" I snapped and rolled my eyes now very annoyed at his actions.

Hisoka didn't say anything but he came over to the side of my bed, picked me and and carried me down stairs ignoring my refusal to do so. Hisoka set me down on a chair at the kitchen table and placed a plate of food infront of me. "Aren't you going to eat?" I asked trying to avoid eating. "I already did. Your turn." he replied adn handed me a glass of orange juice.

I rolled my eyes but ate the food and drank the orange juice. "There, I ate! Happy now?!" I questioned, slightly raising my voice. "Your still not back to normal so no but you ate food so I suppose it's better than nothing." he answered and took care of my dishes as I walked back up to my room to continue watching Naruto. Just as I was on the last step someone knocked on the front door but I just figured Hisoka would get the door so I went back to my room.

After a few minutes the episode of Naruto I was watching before ended but before I could play the next one I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled though I was very annoyed. The door opened and two people walked in but I wasn't paying attention to who it was, my eyes were focused on my tv as I played the next episode. "Are you okay?" A very fimiliar voice inquired. "Ya, I'm fine Gon." I answered but didn't look at him or the other figure in the room which I assumed was Killua.

"I saw you leaving the party yesterday crying, Why?" Killua questioned but I didn't answer him at all. I took my phone out and texted Hisoka while still paying attention to the show.

Why did you let them in my room?

Big Bro🙄😈💩🤡🤡🤡:
Deal with it. You need to interact with humans

I rolled my eyes at the message and put my phone away so my full attention would be on the tv. Killua and Gon continued to try and talk to me but I just tuned them out and kept watching Naruto and Sasuke secretly being gay for each other. Eventually they left the room but it took them a half hour to do so.

1040 words
Sorry if ya'll don't ship Sasuke and Naruto I apolgize but I do so I wrote it in here.

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