Groupchat (Chapter 4)

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A grin appeared on Killua's face and he replied "That just means that when we get married it will just be a normal marrige and not an arranged marrige." I felt heat rush to my cheeks but I tried to supress it.

"Gon is he always like this?" I asked shifting my attention to him. Gon looked just as shocked as me with Killua's behavior. Killua looked unfazed by anything that he just said. "DING" My phone went off, and thank god. It was going to be Killua's turn next and I do not want him to have that power after what just happened.

I picked up my phone to see I got a message from Hisoka.

I picked up my phone to see I got a message from Hisoka

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"Come on guys, dinners ready." I informed them while getting up. They both got up and Killua spoke, "What if he put something in it?" for an ex assassin he really does sound dumb. "Even if he did it probably wouldn't effect you, plus I'm here." I reasured them as we walked out of my room and down the stairs.

I have no idea what Hisoka is making but it smells magnificent. Gon, Killua and I took a seat at the table as Hisoka was bringing the plates over to the table. Killua and Gon didn't look to sure but they ate it regardless. I'm guessing by the looks on their faces that they didn't think Hisoka would be such a good cook.

Killua and Gon started to eat their food quicker. Once they finished they both got up. "It's getting kinda late so were gonna go." Killua said. I felt kinda sad but I can't expect them to stay here foever so I just responded with "Ok, bye. See you tommorow."

The second the boys left Hisoka spoke "Their cute. Which one do you like?" Hisoka is overprotective but he can also be the kind of person that ships everyone. I immediately felt heat rush to my cheeks. "Neither of them. And they are both minors, and weirded out by you." I defended. It's impossible for me to like either of them. I just met Gon today and I hadn't seen Killua in a really long time.

I finished my food so I took my plate along with Killua and Gon's. Since Hisoka always made the food I washed the dishes which seems pretty fair to me since I suck at cooking. I started to wash the plates and other dishes used today. When I was about done an idea came to my mind. I quickly finished the dishes and dried my hands.

My phone was still upstairs so I walked up to my room and grabbed it. There's a chance that this could annoy them but I don't care, I'm putting them in a group chat.

The Gang

Old Man= Leorio
Gorgeous Blonde= Kurapika
Tsundere Albino= Killua
Precious Bean= Gon

Old man, Gorgeous Blonde, Tsundere Albino, and Precious Bean are online

Gorgeous Blonde:
What's with the names?

Tsundere Albino:
Why is Kurapika the only one you complimented with the name?!

Old Man:
I'm not old!

Precious Bean:
I don't mind my name.

It doesn't matter whether you like your names or not there staying. They are fitting and I like them.

Tsundere Albino:
How are they fitting?

Leorio looks like an old man, that's self explanitory. Gon's and Killua's name are self explanitory as well.
And Kurapika has blonde hair and he is gorgeous.

Gorgeous Blonde:
Thank you Y/N.

Tsundere Albino:
No offence Kurapika but you are not gorgeous.
Wouldn't mind name be more fitting if it was "Y/N's Future Husband"?


Tsundere Albino:

Precious Bean:
It's getting kinda late guys, and we have school tomorrow.

Gorgeous Blonde:
Gon is correct, we should go to bed.

Old man:
Ya, goodnight guys

Precious Bean:


Tsundere Albino:
Night, see y'all tomorrow

Tsundere Albino, Old Man, Precious Bean, and Gorgeous Blonde are offline

I let out a sigh and put my phone on my nightstand, pluging it in. Since I was still wearing my school clothes I went over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt to sleep in.

I quickly changed and got into bed. Seeing Killua again is kinda weird. I haven't seen him since we were like 7, and he's hot now! No idea how that happened. There's no way I'd ever admit verbally that he's hot, but I'll think it all I want. With the thought of Killua on my mind my eye lids started to get heavy and eventually closed.

In the Morning

"Ugh..." I groaned and rolled over as my alarm went off. I turned my alarm off and got out of bed. After what happened yesterday when I only had 1 hour before school, In decided to set my own alarm instead of depending on Hisoka. Since Hisoka woke me up and hour before school yesterday I didn't get to shower so now I do.

I grabbed my outfit for the day and walked in the bathroom shutting the door behind me. My clothes we folded on the counter and I turned on the water and stepped into the shower.

I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. Going to school with wet hair is kinda annoying so I started to blowdry it. My hair is still kinda damp at this point but I'm too lazy to continue.

Today I picked out a pair of black, baggy pants and a short, tight black crop top

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Today I picked out a pair of black, baggy pants and a short, tight black crop top. Since I only have like 1 pair of shoes, my combat boots, I slipped those on. I paired the outfit with a bunch of chains and stuff. There isn't mych time left to do makeup and I'm not the biggest fan of it. My phone dingged in the other room so I walked over to my bedroom to see what it was.

Future Husband❤️😘🥰😍:
Gon and I are picking you and and were walking to school together.
We should get there in around 2 minutes.

A smile made it's way across my face as I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, phone in hand.

1035 words

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