Chapter 3: back to Rennob

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" if you sleep any more we will be late" said a voice over Bella's head but she deared not open her eyes

" i know you heard me, i won't be late on my first day because of you" came another frustrated line

" i'll wet you from this bed if i have to" the voice sang with a silly giggle

" you wouldn't dare" said Bella with her eyes closed

" don't get up and try me" said the voice which Bella figure his her sister Keylia

" fine am up" fumed Bella as she open her eyes and flip her sister the bird

"Get ready we leave in an hour" keylia threw the balcony slide door curtain open, enveloping the room in a bright glow, then walk back to the door with grace throwing an annoyance look and a scolled "oh, and grow up" Keylia said as she walk out the room shutting the door behind her.

Quebella felt as if a tank slept on top of her and a caravan slept above the tank, she pulled her self from the bed and glanced at her self in the dresser mirror, her hair was a mess and she looked paler than ever, for it seem her dream nap in the sun yesterday was a never tanning attempt.

She walked into her bathroom and shut the door planting her self on the toilet, her bladder woke with vengeance and she didn't blame him, after use, she flush and step over to the sink where she caught another glimpse of her self, there was no way she was going to get the frizz of her hair to behave without washing it.

Stepping into the shower Bella undertook the inevitable and grab her lavender scented shampoo, the same type she pack in her bag last night but a new bottle. Once the water and suds rushed threw her hair Quebella felt more at peace, Water calms her down and she surely needed the calming.

After shampooing her messy hair and the scrubbing of her skin she quickly dried off and attempt, drying her hair and doing her make up at the same time, which was not easy, once she was pleases with her powdered features she place her now dried long black hair in a high ponytail that help to showcase her cheek bones.

She walked over to her closet and removed the single Rennob uniform left on a hanger, White dress shirt, a orange and black with white lines plaid skirt and a black blazer, she quickly pulled each fabric onto her skin trying her best not to crush the well pressed tunic, as she was about to put on her knee length sock there was a knock at her door which didn't wait for an invitation.

" i hope you are ready" said Keylia who was now in her Rennob uniform

" you, you look great" said Bella who was half shock half mesmerize how her little sister made a plain tunic look so renowned

"Thank you" smiled Keylia spinning in adoration of her self, her face light up at her sisters approval for she wanted it so bad.

" well am almost ready, pass my Shoes in the closet the black ones with the bow at the top and a strap" said Bella pointing in the direction of her closet with on hand as she used the other to pull up her sock

Keylia retrieved the Shoes from the closet and made her way to help, by putting on her sister shoe for her

Once she was done fixing her tie she grab the blazer and shrugged it on fastening the two button that lay beneath her breast

" ok i think am done" chirped Bella as she grab her book bag and walked out her bedroom door with Keylia close behind.

Her suite cases and her carry on bag was already downstairs in the car, no doubt Able's doing she thought, Able is the lady who takes care of the cleaning in and around the Sallvin mansion

" mom, dad!" cried Bella once she got downstairs,

" we are in the den honey" came her mothers voice

Heading to the den, Bella notice that her sister hadn't move to follow, so she stop in her tracks with a questioning look on her face, one which Keylia read all too well,

The Rennob Boarding School (Assassin Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now