Chapter 5: Out with the Old

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It was 2:15 when Bella rub the raw of her eyes as she sat up in bed, she could hear the faint footsteps and light chatter throughout the halls of the Huntress manor, no doubt the other girls were up and getting a head start for their first class back at 4:30.

Pulling her self from the bed she walk to her closet and pulled down the first gym wear she could reach, she always went for a early morning run and today was no different.

Bella grabbed her phone from her bedside table with her ear buds after she had dress and crept through the halls with a light good morning to the few others she past to get down stairs and outside their dorm manor.

The BlueBloods were her favour rock band and as she selected their newest album from her play list she took off into the dark early morning to view the grounds at a steady run.

July was always warm but Bell could feel the early chilly dew breeze brush her skin as she jogged past the Atrium building that over looked the assembly hall there were massive mountain surrounding the Rennob school no doubt the founders thought it would be best protected if it was build in the valley that these mountain stood a breast.

Bella saw other students on their morning run as she head through her favourite forest track that took her to a cold river near the edge of the mountain where they sometimes have their Target and Weapons classes, as she came the second outpost where there were permitter guards she called to one of them,

"Hey Sam a fine morning is it" as she stop to adjust the lace of her running shoe

" quiet with no disturbance just how I like it" he replied with a chuckle, " its great to see you back and I hear you brought blood back with you"

"Keylia you mean" she said smiling from ear to ear, " I will introduce you guys sometime soon, but I must warn you she does not have my warn nature", she said laughing at her joke

" I never knew you to be warn after all who runs in this cold withought a jacket on" said Sam

Bella never wore a jacket when she runs, with her gym suit, just her sweat bra and joggers no matter how cold it got, this was one of those funny things about her.

"Well see you on the way back Sam" she said with a small wave and took off the great the river.

When she got back from her run she went straight to her room to get ready for her first class. Then head down to the canteen to get a smoothie, for breakfast was not until 7:30 at the rennob and it was off to her first class of the day Advance Russian studies, on her way to class she saw Tamara a freakled face girl with ginger hair who was in house Phelion.

"Taking advance Russian also" said tamara standing at a vending machine in the corridor that led to their class room  three floors down

" yeah, no small thing" Bella replied as she shift her smoothie in one hand to get to her book bag so she could evicted the small token money that was used to purchased item on the Rennob school.

The coin token were scarlet red with bronze around the edges with a swan printed on one side and a dove on the other, she was given 50 token a term buy her parents, which they paid for each year so she could purchase anything she may need around the school that is not compuslary provided in their tuition.

Tamara took a corn and caramel bar from the vending shoots so Bella walked up and place her token in the slot so she could get at the granola bars, but Tamara still stood there observing her closely, Bella felt naked, why was this girl she only ever had polite greeting with was now standing mere inches from her beaming with an observatory and exciting expression.

" are you always this wound up tight" Tamara finally asked as Bella grab the bars from the shoot and took off in there share destination

" wound up tight, am not wound up am merely guarded, that's all" Bella replied

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