Chapter 4: Placement

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Once all the first moietys were on stage and every one was seated a tall lady with a bad tan and fire red curls, walked on the stage where twenty first moiety were standing in a neat line, awaiting their faiths. Then the lady began to speak,

Welcome back to a new year at the Rennob Boarding school Mombas, Huntress and Phelions, T.A's and security personnels other staffers, for those who don't already know, i am your head mistress miss Cloverson, this year at the Rennobs will be one of the most difficult, and exhilarating years that you will see, there are new proceeders and protocol, changes is syllabus and training requirements but before we forget why we are here at the moment lets welcome our new moeity's,

Cheers and applause rang out from the seated A.T's,

Quebella wasn't that much a fan of there head mistress, more so because Mrs Cloverson seem to held her to a much higher standard than all the other students at Rennob, something she became aware of on her first day at school when she was summoned to the head mistress's office for a personal welcome, not wanting to reminisce on that no so awkward  moment she flex her wrist and turn her attention back to the stage. Mrs.. Cloverson turn to her side with a hand gesture to signal the new students that were standing on stage mere meters from her, but she continued with her speech

All first moiety have to pass through the placement ceremoney, this test will determine their spirtual family and where they spend the rest of their physical been at the Rennobs, she cross the stage with her hands lock behind her, as she prattle on,

once a A.T is place they cannot switch houses and there  will be no do overs the test consist of only ones mental ability, the Decoder Device will search the deepest dept of your mind to determine if you are a

Momba,the house of the snakes, Vicious and strong, quiet they move, a friend to none, a foe to some, they seldom lose.

She said prattling on with her past smile.

Phelion, the house of the cats, intelligent and meek, the truth they seek, give them a lead, no clue unseen

Last but not least the,

Huntress, the house of the wolves, together they ride, brave and wise, no man left behind, no one must wear the crown of pride.

Those are the three house, said Miss cloverson directing her words mainly to the moiety's

" please come forward Miss Brank, who is our language and speech T.A, she announced when she call your name you will step up to the Device" said miss Cloverson to the first moiety's

Keylia was standing beside two girls Bella did not know but from the corner of her eyes she could see Karla Rodd, blond hair, pearly teeth, golden brown eyes, charming and vicious, the girl who made the starters program her sisters nightmare, the Decoder Device that was at the left corner of the stage did not look threatening but the idea of being placed in front of the whole schools was pressure filled sp Bella shot Keylia a encouraging look,

Miss Brank step on stage with a list in her hand and Bella's breath stop as the first name was called; "Brave, Aurora," called miss Brank, a cherry red hair girl stepped forward and sat in the seat that stood beside the device, Quebella could see Miss Brank adding up something or cross checking, she was not sure but when she was finish the girl was placed in house Huntress.

"Ceaser, Amora Momba; Du'vre, Lee-Ann Huntress; Ferlinard, Dianara Phelion; Furness, Seelia Phelion; as Miss bank called the names, you could hear the Momba's, the Phelion and the Huntress, cheer for their new members who went to sit with them right after.

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