Baby (Sixteen)

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The nurse walked in with a bundle of blankets causing me to stop moving. Then I saw a hand poke out the stop. A small, soft, baby hand.

"Are you Mr. Malfoy", she said walking towards me.

"Ye-Yes I am", I replied wiping a tear from my cheek.

"I believe she's yours", she handed me the bundle of blankets. I grabbed the bundle and when I looked down there was a beautiful baby girl. With green eyes and a button nose just like her mom.

"How?" I asked. How did she survive if Sunny was dead?

"Well when Cali passed away we were able to get her to the hospital soon enough to save the child within her. She's a very beautiful baby Mr. Malfoy", the nurse smiled, "I'll leave you two alone". Then she turned around and left.

My mother walked over and put her hand on my shoulder, when she looked down at the baby I could hear her let out a whimper.

"Draco she's-she's"

"Just like Cali I know" I said with silent tears continuing to come down my face.

This baby was the last thing I had left of Cali and I was going to love her till the day I died. She even looked just like her. She had a few blonde hairs on her head with gorgeous big green eyes, a small button nose, and cute small paper thin lips like mine.

"Draco what are you going to name her?", my mother asked.

I had the perfect name, but I wanted to check with Cali first.

"Do you mind giving me and the baby some time with Cali?"

"Not at all Draco", she gave me a hug and a smile before leaving the same door the nurse did.

I turned back around the face the hospital bed. With my eyes still on the baby I walked closer to Sunny.

"Look", I whispered, "that's your mom"

"Isn't she beautiful?"

A tear dripped from my face and landed on the baby's cheek.

I wiped it off.

"You'll look just like her when you're older. She passed away unfortunately. You'll never get to meet her but I just know she would've loved you." The baby just sat there watching me talk. She had her big green eyes locked on me and she just listened. "I have the perfect name for you and mom would've loved it. I'm going to call you Alina you know what that word means?"

I watched another tear drip onto her soft skin.

"It's Greek for light or sunny. I think it's a very fitting name since that was your mothers nickname from me and since you're going to be the reason my life has light."

"You'll be a reminder everyday of how much I love your mom", unfortunately she'll also be a reminder that I'll never see her again. She'll be a constant reminder that Cali would still be here if it weren't for me.

I was still standing beside Cali. I had the baby in my arms and she was sleeping peacefully. No idea of what lied ahead of her.

There was a baby bed right to the right side of the hospital bed, you know the clear ones with wheels. I set Alina down in it and went back to the other side. I grabbed a chair that was in the room and I sat beside Sunny. I grabbed her hand and placed my head on her shoulder. She was cold. Very very cold, but I didn't even care. I just needed her to hold me one more time. I needed her to tell me I could do this and that she believed in me.

I just needed her.

I needed Sunny.

My mother came back in and I shot my head up and turned around to meet her eyes.

"So?", she asked probably referring to the name I chose.

"Alina, it means light or sunny in Greek."

My mother walked closer and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Honey it's beautiful, Cali would have loved it."

There was something I needed to do. I glanced over and saw that Cali still had the necklace I gave her in the shape of a heart with my initials on the back. I stood up and leaned over taking it off her neck very gently. I told my mother I had to go and I'd be back to the manor tonight.

"Take Alina please, let her get some rest and feed her, I'll be back", and I left.

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