"Hey Hey bestie!" siad my best freind Candy. She is a spunkey little fireball of energy.
"Hey what's up?" I say. My name is Cinderella. my mom siad she loved the name but I think she wanted me to be her little princess.
"Ow nothing. YES SOMTHING!!!! Eric asked me out yesterday!" Siad Candy. I Know she loves Eric so I know she siad yes but I still wonder what she sees in him hes tinnny like litarly he is about 3'9 and his hair is purple. Hes a creek but I gess she sees something in him. I see nothing in him at all.
"Cool." I say sounding bored.
"What's rong you jelly or someting. I know how were in 9th grade and you haven't had a boyfreind yet." she says as she pats my head as if I'm a dog. I hate it when she dose that.
"No I just dont think Eric is your type. pluses I have my own man I'm looking for and he ain't him." I say pointing to Eric.
"Fine be like that." She siad and stormed off. Basicly we fight like that all the time. I'm not even kidding. I dont even know why we are freinds. Then I see him walking down the hall.
"Hey weirdo." Siad Jaiden as he chuckled an walked off. I cant belive that happened I love him, and he called me a weirdo. I run into the bathroom and sit and cry. From out siad the stall I hear:
"Are thoes high heals?" Siad a guys voice! Omg I'm in the boys bathroom. I gess I didn't see what bathroom I went into.
"Omg thoes are Cinderella's shoes. Why are you in here loser? probly to stalk us. Or to cry? Boohoo." Omg its Jaiden. I'm dead meat. there not going to leave me alone.
"What's wrong are you shy. Ovisly not to shy show your self." Siad another boy. What do I do? I'm going to be stuck here and laghfted at for the rest of my life.
"Leave her alone she probly didn't mean to be In here. So just leave her alone." I dont know who this is.
"As if we would listen to you nerd!" I think it was Jaiden and he pushed the other kid to.
"Leave him alone ill come out of here if you stop Pushing him." I say proudly. As soon as I say it I regret it.
"Okay. Come out then." Siad another boy. How Manny people are I here. Snows the time to show if I'm a woman or a girl. I unlock the dore and walk out. there is at least 7 guys I here.
"Say cheese." Siad Jaiden
"Wait dont. I didn't mean to be in here. I-I.." I cant finish my sentance I burst into tears.
"Ow I will. You will be humiliated as long as I'm alive." Siad Jaiden. Just as i run out and sink to the ground just outside the bathroom.
"My life is over!" I say into my hands.
"I'm shure that's an over statement. what happened in there..." Siad a boy I still dont know.
"Who are you? And why do you care about me? I say.
"I'm Noah Fryer. And you are? Ow and I care because thoes guys are jerks and they bully me to." He siad just as the words sinks in. He is Noah Fryer and he is so handsome.
"I'm Cinderella Enchanted. and I have never been bullyed before. Wow that sucks!" I say in to my hands.
"You get ousted to it. it still hurts, but not as much." He Asia's as he takes my hand. "Take care. I haft to get to Language arts." He says as he walk away. So mistarious.