Preference 1

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How you meet

Eren - Cleaning the Stables
You had been placed with a couple of other cadets in cleaning the stables. You didn't mind, for you thought that a horse wouldn't judge your cleaning as bad as a human would. However, one guy in particular watched as you left a few dirty places.
"Hey," he called. "You're missing a few spots." He walked over to your stall, and pointed at the unclean places.
"I was going to go back and get them," you lied. "I was just working on this side right now."
"Yeah, Sure," he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, sure," you mumbled mockingly, trying to make sure he didn't hear you.
He did, turning around and glaring at you, which your returned. But the both of you continued on with your business. However, you felt a little guilty for being rude to him, he probably just was trying to help. So after you had finished, you walked up to him, and held out your hand.
"I'm (your name), and I'm sorry I was rude, I just didn't like being critiqued," you explained.
"I can understand that," he said shaking your hand. "I'm Eren."

Armin - The Library
The day was almost over, and you were in need of a cool down. So after dinner, you made your way to the library. You wanted to be somewhere you knew you wouldn't be bothered, and could rest both you body and mind.
You sat in a chair that was placed by the large window. You fiddled with the pages of a book that you weren't reading. You didn't even read the title. Then you heard the sound of books falling on the ground, and a young man's voice hissing and "ow's' being repeated.
You hurried over to where the noise had came from and saw that there was a blonde by on the ground, surrounded by books, that you assumed had made the ruckus.
"I probably should have asked for help, Huh," he laughed awkwardly.
"Yeah, probably would have been a good idea," you said, bending down to help clean up the books. "Are you okay?"
"Oh, I'm alright," he said, picking up a book. "Just embarrassed."
You told him that it's okay, and you weren't judging. "What's your name?"
"Armin Arlert, and you?"
"I'm (your name)."

Jean - Running Laps
You had accidentally mumbled a smart remark under your breath during line up, and Shades head you.
"Mind repeating your worthless self, cadet (last name)?!" He yelled into your face.
"No, sir!" You yelled back.
Jean was standing next to you and he laughed under his breath at the fact that you had gotten caught with a careless action.
"I'm sorry, Kirstchein," Shades moved over to Jean's face. "Was there something that you found funny?!"
"No, sir!" He responded.
"Well," Shades started. "Since you two think you're well enough to run your mouths, how about you run laps to give them a break! 60 laps around the camp! Now!"
Jean and you started your laps. "Way to go, (last name)." He blamed you for getting him in this mess, however, you explained that if he hadn't of laughed at you, he wouldn't have been here to begin with.
"May be next time, keep your amusement to yourself, Kirstchein."

Levi - Caught Arguing with a fellow Cadet
Levi was walking down towards his office, after meeting with Erwin about new recruits. As he was heading back, he stopped at the corner to listen to an argument between you, a new trainee, and one of your comrades. He peeked around the corner to see you standing in a calm rage.
"Are you calling me a liar," you asked, trying not to yell at the guy.
"Well, if the boot fits," he smirked with a pause. "...wear it."
At this point you were furious, but new that arguing with this jerk wasn't going to get you far. You decided to deliver your last remark, before walking away.
"Why don't you turn around, and bend over," you suggested as you started to walk past him. "I'll show you exactly where my boot fits."
The guy didn't respond, only flushed his cheeks with embarrassment. You turned the corner, and was met by the higher up. You saluted, "Captine Levi, sir." before he told you to go back as you were.
"Having problems with comrades?" He asked, as you tried to think of what to say. "Cadet..."
"Your name), sir."

Marco - On the horse and buggy on the way to training core
You sat at the back of the buggy, watching as the road behind you faded. You were nervous, fiddling with your fingernails as your eyes stared outside.
"Hey," a kind voice said. "Are you nervous?"
"Is it that obviously," you asked.
"Just a little," he smiled. "What's your name?
"I'm (your name)," you replied, giving him a small smile.
"My names Marco Bodt. It's nice to meet you."

Connie - During Training
You were on the spare training field, however you didn't have a partner. You weren't good at suggesting people to pair up with you, so you walked around hoping to find another single. As you were searching, you noticed a girl and a guy goofing off instead of sparing. You were a little surprised that they would do that, considering that Shades was looming over everyone. However, they seemed to be really fun, and you were interested.
"What are you two doing," you lightly giggled.
"Sparing," the shorter guy said. "What does it look like?"
You tilted your head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "To be honest, I really don't know, but it's not sparing."
"You want to join, girl," he asked.
"It's (your name), not girl, and sure. What's your guy's names?"
"I'm Connie, and her names Sasha."
You felt as if joining in on whatever exercise this was, would lead you to having to face Shades sooner then later, however, you didn't want to get caught doing nothing either. So why not.

Bertholdt - Line up introduction
It was tour first day at camp, and it was time for everyone to be introduced to Shades. You were standing in line, hands behind your back, as you listened to the sound of insults and degrading comments be thrown in every direction. As you listened, you caught a glimpse of a male soldier. He was taller then the rest, which caused him to stand out to you.
"And what is your name mini meat," Shades screamed, standing directly in front of you.
"Oh, uh," totally not paying attention, you scrambled to find words and quick. "(First and last name), sir, from the (home place)."
"Well, Cadet (last name), why does a runt like you decide to join the training core."
You decide to explain why you were going to risk your life. You noticed that the guy from earlier was glancing curiously at you as you continued to speak, and even afterwards.
"Cadet, (your name)," Shades yelled. "Starring is in polite! Keep your eyes forward, not on Cadet Hoover."
Your and Bertholdt both blushed from embarrassment.

Reiner - The Mess hall
First day, and you hadn't made any friends. Not that you were surprised, you didn't know anyone, and you didn't want to get to close to people off the bat. So you didn't really have anyone to sit with in the mess hall, and sat in the corner alone. However, as more people began to pile into the room, you figured that you were going to have to share your area with someone.
"Anyone claimed this spot yet," a tall blonde guy asked you, pointing to the spot across from you.
You shook your head no, and continued to eat. "Nah, go ahead."
He said thank you, and tried to make small talk with you, telling you that he had two friends that would probably be sitting with you guys once they had got their food. You explained that that would be fine.
"So why is a cutie like you sitting alone anyway," he asked, taking a bite of his bread.
"Well, I am the only one from my hometown that is hear, I know nobody, and it's the first day," odds really aren't in my favor for friends right now.
He nodded slowly, "well, maybe, I can change that." You cocked an eyebrow, watching as he wiped his hand off on his jeans. "Reiner Braun, nice to meet you..." He paused holding out his hand, awaiting for your name.
"(Your name)," you said shaking his hand.

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