Preference 3

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Your titan shifter form based on your zodiac

Aries - The Fire Titan
This Titan is 12 meters tall, with flames surrounding its body. It has shirt red hair and blacked-out eyes. This Titan is a wrath Titan, as it feeds off the anger of its shifter. This allows for the flames to burn 850 degrees on average, making it dangerous to get very close to. It is able to melt whatever it touches, including skin.

Taurus - The Tracker Titan
This Titan is 10 meters tall when standing up straight, however, it walks on all fours. It has a resemblance to a werewolf, with human and beast qualities. This Titan has fur patches on its back, legs, and cheeks. It also has sharp teeth, and is able to sniff out anyone that the shifter has been in contact with in their lifetime.

Gemini - The Siamese Titan
This Titan is 15 meters tall, and resembles good and evil. It has one body, but two heads. One head resembles the shifter, it has their hair and eye color. However, the other is the dark side of them, with black hair, pointed ears, and sharp teeth. One head can see miles ahead, the other has a very keen sense of hearing.

Cancer - The Ghost Titan
This Titan is 16 meters tall, and has a muted appearance. This Titan is known to disappear, turning invisible in order to sneak up on an opponent, or hide from a threat. This makes it difficult to track down or kill, because it leaves no traces of its existence. However, it isn't very strong in combat, and has no sound, not even footsteps.

Leo - The Marine Titan
This Titan is 21 meters tall, and very human looking. This Titan has water hair that looks like it constantly flows and gold eyes. It has blue tented skin, and large, hard plates of fish scale-like armor on its chest, abdomen, and around its neck. It is programmed with the ability to breath and see underwater, patience, and is very strong. It is used for attacking ships and planes that fly low enough to the water. The Titans blue colors help it camouflage into the ocean waters, and is a master of distraction, for it can cause ocean animals to leap into the view of sailors, and it's low scream has a delay effect, so humans don't hear its sound until the Titan had moved fare from the previous location. It can walk on land, however, it is very weak, and would have a strong advantage in combat on the surface.

Virgo - The Sightless Titan
This Titan is 14 meters tall, and shows only its muscle tissue. This Titan has whited-out eyes that have no sight. However, it has incredible hearing, and goes off vibrations to fight. It is also able to see light reflections, meaning it can see a silhouette of shades of light on an object.

Libra - The Hissing Titan
This Titan is 17 meters tall, and has a very long tongue. It lets out a very terrible hiss, instead of a roar. The tongue is forked, however, the ends are like blades, able to pierce into anything. It has reptilian-like eyes, with dark outlining around them. It has the ability to climb very rapidly up trees or on the side of a building/wall, and can sprint very quickly.

Scorpio - The Berserker Titan
This Titan is 20 meters tall, and has the most terrifying appearance. This Titan has a very ripped body with extra bones placed outside the skin, however, it's face is shaped like that of a deer skull. It has antlers, and no visible eyes. Its teeth are sharp, however, it is unable to open its mouth. This only allows it to make a very low rumbling noise. It's hands have long black nails, and its spine is spiked with razor-like bones.

Sagittarius - The Knight Titan
This Titan is 18 meters tall, and has armor in place of skin. The Knight Titan is almost completely silver. It has no hair, and it's head looks as if it is wearing a tightly fitted helmet. Only it's eyes are seen. The shoulders have sharp silver panels that stick out, and the thighs, calf's, fourarms, chest, and back are covered in the same silver. However, the knees, elbows, ankles, hips, and wrist are exposed, along with the neck. This Titan is also equipped with a sword.

Capricorn - The Combat Titan
This Titan is 15 meters tall, and lives up to its name. The Titan is able to perform martial arts, and give a good defense. It is given bladed knuckles, large spikes on its heels, and has an extra long mouth that is equipped with long, sharp, canine teeth. This Titan has a very loud roar, helping it to knock opponents off balance. It also has high stamina, and can outsmart opponents, wearing them out in order for the Combat Titan to strike hard.

Aquarius - The Guardian Titan
This Titan is 29 meters tall, and has wings. The Titan resembles that of a dark Angel. It has black wings, knife-like feathers, and its feet and hands have claws. It also has black rings that wrap around its forehead, waist, wrist, and ankles. The Titan is loyal to a specific group that earns its trust, once the trust is built, the Titan will do anything to protect the group. This Titan is able to slice opponents with no restriction thanks to claws and wings, and is able to out fly any gear a soldier has. Hopefully you are on their side.

Pisces - The Winter Titan
This Titan is 15 meters tall, and has the ability to freeze threats. Instead of steam, this Titan releases liquid nitrogen. It has black hands, feet, and lips. The Winter Titan has long white hair, and is able to freeze its nape completely. It is very dangerous to be near, because it's temperature is so low. Even the steps it takes leave frozen prints on the ground.

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