Preference 33

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How they would be during Karaoke

He would probably start singing a song that allowed him to release some of his anger.

He would probably get up on stage and be nervous. Probably would hit an shaky notes.

He would try to sound sexy, but by trying to hard he would mess up the melody.

He would act as if it was a waist of time, but would secretly enjoy it and do an amazing job.

He would be a little nervous, but once he started he would sing like an Angel.

He would probably get a Disney song playing, and be as dramatic as possible with it.

I think he would be supper shaky, but aster the nerves wore off, he would play a slower song, that way he would hit the emotions of his audience.

He would try to be fun with it, and sing a well known song, but then get supper involved in the song he is singing.

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