Preference 47

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When you talk about how much you admire Levi Ackerman (but for Levi, it's Erwin)

Eren would be right there with you. As soon as you bring up Levi, Eren joins right in with your admiral love for him. I don't think he would get jealous, because he would think it was normal for people to admire Levi.

Armin wouldn't be jealous, but I think that he would feel like you liked Levi more. He would probably need you to reassure him that you weren't longing after the captain, you were just saying that you saw him as a role model for all the soldiers and yourself.

Jean would be jealous. He would put up with all the talk about Levi and how great, strong, and good looking he was for a couple of minutes, but he would soon get upset. He would probably ask you if you talked about him as much as you were talking about Levi. He would know that you were his, but his insecurities would make him feel hurt and doubt a bit. You would have to explain that it wasn't that you like Levi in that way, it was just you thought highly of him.

Levi wouldn't really show you that you admiring Erwin bothered him. To be honest, he probably didn't blame you. Levi would think that getting upset for you admiring another person or man would be childish. However, if Erwin was a topic that you brought up a lot, he would probably tell you that he doesn't like you talking about the commander so much, and you would need to understand that from his point of view.

Marco would probably be okay with your admiration for the captain. He would talk about his admiration for the military police, so it was kind of mutual. However, he doesn't want those topics to be very frequent. He wants to talk to you about other things that you two enjoy or hope for.

Connie would be a little hurt, but it wouldn't last long. Especially, if he figures out that you just admire Levi, and don't 'like' him. He would try to be your focus. He would grab your attention with jokes, weird things he does, and just loving you. He was fine with your admiration, he was just making sure you still paid attention to him more.

Bertholdt would notice that you had grown to admire the captain more, and would be a little sad. He would start to have many thoughts run through his mind, and he would make it seem like a bigger thing then it was. When he asked you about it, you would have to explain that your admiration for Levi doesn't go farther than him being your higher up. You would have to remind his thoughts that you were his, and you loved only him.

Reiner wouldn't think too much of it at the beginning. However, when you started having to interact with Levi more, he would get a bit defensive, but would stay quiet and act normal. He would ask if you liked the captain, not in a defensive way, but in a soft, worried tone. He would explain to you that he has seen how you are around Levi and he was just scared he was losing you. You would need to explain that he was being ridiculous, and that you just admired who and how the Captain was. That you only saw him as a strong and great leader, not a love interest.

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