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Day 3 Early Morning


Wah Wah!

What the actual fuck was wrong with the son of a bitch.

I had fucking burped the devil, I fed it, I changed his diaper. I am positive Mrs Hatcher gave us satan disguised in plastic.

It was currently 1am and the plastic piece of shit, or should I say Satan, thought it would be cool to cry.

I was going to lose my mind if this carried on.

"If you don't shut your god damn mouth I am going to rip your head off and your god damn stupid batteries"I scolded, in a whispered voice but still kind of scary.

"wow, bit harsh"I heard.

"What the fuck"I almost yelled as I turned around to find a grinning Leonardo Bronson.

"I can literally hear the baby from my room, what the fuck is wrong with it?"he asked.

"What do you mean, what's wrong with it? Everything's wrong with it. Mrs Hatcher gave us Satan"I snapped back.

Leo started to laugh. Why was he laughing? There was nothing funny about this situation.

"If this is so funny for you, you can take care of this thing because I have had enough of it"I growled, chucking Satan over to Leo.

"You do realise it's stopped crying"He chuckled, placing Satan down carefully.

I took the moment of silence in gracefully, it felt like heaven.

"You can leave now"I told Leo.

"Nope"he replied. What?

"Excuse me"I coughed.

"I'm good here"

Was he serious or was he deliberately trying to piss me off. It's half 1 in the morning and I have had like 2 hours of sleep.

He strolled over to my bed and sat down.

I stared at him as if he was mental. Which in my case he was.

"Yeah you need to get out"I instructed him.

"Nope I don't" He was basically trying to test my patience.

I pushed him off my bed.


Oh for crying out loud, my parents were surely to wake up with all the racket HE was making.

I dived into my bed and wrapped the covers around me. Leo lifted his head up and looked at me.

"You look like a mermaid"He whispered.

"And you look like a piece of shit, now get out"I replied. He chuckled at my come-back. Him and his god damn chuckles were really starting to boil my blood.

After 10 minutes of trying to get him to leave he actually decided to go. Then I could rest in piece.

I woke up to peace and quiet thankfully. I checked the time and it was 9:30.

I rolled out of my bed and jumped into the shower. I needed a wash after the stressful night.

Once I got out, I decided to wear a pair of black Jeans and my white jumper that had 'Gucci' printed on the front, even though it wasn't gucci it was still my favourite jumper.

I blow-dried my hair and straightened it and then did my make up.

Once I was all ready, I packed up a bag so I was prepared to stay over Leo's. I wasn't actually that annoyed, I was more chilled to be honest.

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