Finding out

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Mentions of abuse, homophobic comments, self harm, and suicidal thoughts! Also get ready to beat the hell out of Amity's parents. Also if the context is "this" are thoughts.

Amity P.O.V

"Your such a disgrace Amity I expected better from you." My father said coldy. He rolled up the whipped and placed it in a closet. Pain throbbed through my body. My clothes were torn a bit, and was bloody. My breathing went a bit sallow. He then left the basement without another word. "Why me? What did I do to deserve this?!" Hot fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.

I then heard footsteps come down. "Mittens!" I heard what sounded like Em. Then the door opened. "Mittens are yo-." Ed stopped his sentence when he looked at me. "Omg mittens!" They both said as they rushed to me. "Ed get the first aid kit." Em told him. He nodded and ran upstairs. "I got you." Em said as she carried me bridal style upstairs, since the condition im in it wasn't possible for me to walk.

She then carried me to the kitchen counter and settled me on it. I then saw Ed came towards us with it. It was the only reliable thing we had since none of us know a healing spell. They then took off my clothes. They gasp of what 'fathers had done to me.

Warning this might be a bit gory⚠️

My chest and stomach had big bruises with a few small cuts here and there. My arms had few bruises, my forearms had a lot of cuts. Some was from my dad, others was from me. They looked at my back which was even worse. It had big cuts that the whip caused. Blood trickled down them. The now white marble counter was now red with some of my blood that had fallen on it.

They immediately started putting bandages and handed me some painkillers that help the paib a bit. After that they helped to my rooom to now where I am laying on my stomach. I was still in pain, but it was better than sleeping on my back. "Get some rest mittens." Em told me. "We will handle the mess." Ed added. "Thanks guys." I said to them which brought smiles to their faces. They then left me with my thoughts.

"Woooow, look how weak you have gotten. You have gotten soft." The voice in my head talked. "No im not!" "Well take a good look of yourself. How could someone like luz like a person like you~" "What do you mean?" "Do I have to remind you? Well, you hurted willow, you bully willow, and luz! Im still surprised that she is still friends with you! How pathway tour father was right!"

"They'll never love you! A lesbian ugh how sickening." Tears were falling dow my face at this point. "See that razor on your desk?" Use it you did it when you were younger you know how too~" "No! I promised Ed and Em that I won't do it!" "Come on~ you know you want too~" I then gave in. I walked over to the razor and grabbed it. I undo the bandages on my forearms a bit. The bleeding has stopped a bit.

I then gliding the razor on my left wrist. Feeling the pain, but yet turn into pleasure. I continue until it was almost up my elbow. I did it on both arms. O then set the now bloody razor on the desk. I then looked at my arms seeing what I have done. Some blood drop on the carpet. I then wrapped the bandages back, and uses a illusion spell the twins have taught me to clean the blood.

I then git in bed and went to sleep.

The next day in le morning UwU

Luz P.O.V

I was walking with willow, and gus to school. When we arrived I saw Amity at her locker. It opened its mouth and Amity grabbed some books. Tho her face had a bored and sad expression. I then ran, and hugged her tightly. "Hey Amity!" I greeted. I then stopped hugging her and could see pain written all over her face. "You ok Amity?" I asked. "Oh im fine!" She smiled. I also noticed a red mark on her face and it looked like a hand.

But I thought it was nothing. Then the bells screamed meaning that classes start. "Bye guys!" I said to them as I walk to my first class. They responded with a wave.

Skipping to le lunch time because im lazy as hell ;-;

Amity P.O.V

I was heading to lunch, when suddenly I felt a hand on my should. I fliched at the touch and quickly look behind. To see that it was Willow. "Hey Amity can we talk?" She asked. "Privately." She added in a serious tone. "Sure." I agreed. We then walked to an empty classroom. "I have a few questions." She said.

"Ask away." I gave her a curious look. "Whats that mark on you face? It looks like a hant print?" She asked. I went stiff. Then I got a memory of what happened.

Flash back!

I was heading down stairs when, "Amity dear we need to talk." I heard my mother say. "Coming mother." I responded. I quickly grew nervous. I then saw my mother holding my report card, giving me an angry, and disappointed look. "Why do you have a A-, amity." Mother said coldy. "I-" I didn't know how to respond. Before I could say anything else I felt a hand hit my left cheek.

Making my head turn right of how hard it hit me. I felt pain, and a buring sensation. Mother slapped me. "Im disappointed in you Amity, I expected better. If you don't get that grade up by the end of this week. We are going to make you punishments much more painful." She threatened. "Do you understand?" She said. "Yes mother I understand." I looked back at her.

End of flash back!

"Oh its nothing!" I lied. Willow sighed. "I know your lying Ami." She said. She hasn't called me that in years. I took a deep breath. "My mom... slapped me." I chocked out. I felt a knot in my throat. "Why would she do that!" Willow raised her voice at me. I flicked to the tone. "Wait Amity what happened to your arms?" Willow asked. I gave her a confused look.

I then looked at my arms, it made my blood run cold. The blood had bleed through the bandages, now my uniform was bloody. "Uh- n- nothing!" I tried to cover up my arms. "Please ami! Whats wrong!?" She asked. When I thought I couldn't get any worse. Luz, and gus had walked in. "Shit!" "Hey guys- wait what happened to your arms, Amity!?" Luz ran towards me.

I blushed. "Oh i- its nothing!" I lied again. "Amity please show us." Willow begged. I snapped. "I said its nothing!" I yelled at them. Willow then whispered something to gus. Gus then nodded. Gus then made illusions of himself. They then grabbed making me stay in place. "Let me go!" I yelled at them again. "Luz I'll hold her arm, and you pulled down her sleeves." Willow said to luz.

Willlow then grabbed my wrists. Luz then walked towards me pulling my sleeves down. I didn't resist since I knew I had to tell them sooner or later. When she pulled them down they gasped.

Luz P.O.V

When I pulled her sleeves there was bloody bandages on her forearms. It looked like they extended even further. "I- Amity?" I gave her sadend look. She hid her face, her ears dropping down. I gave willow a 'should I do it?' Look, which she nodded. Me and gus unwrapped her bandages. When I saw her arms I dropped the bandages. There were cuts and bruises everywhere.

I looked at willow. She had tears in her eyes. Gus had a disbelief looked. "Amity what happened?" I asked her. I felt tears come to my eyes as well. " i-" she started. "My p-parents abuse m-me." She said tears falling down her face. A few tears escape my eyes. I felt all kinds of emotion, sadness to anger. "The c-cuts?" Willow asked crying a bit to. "From me." She whispered.

Hello guys! Hope you guys enjoyed that! Let me know if you guys want a part 2! Btw! NOT PROOF READ! Im too lazy!

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