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lian waved to arwen and i. i knew she had to be wondering what we’d just spoken about. i beckoned her to us, and she came happily.

“everything okay?” lian queried, a tilt in her brow.

“why wouldn’t it be?” i beamed. she smiled and looked at arwen, almost awaiting his response, but he didn’t say anything. he just blushed scarlet and leaned his head to the bay; a secret question in his gesture.

lian followed, and i walked to the bonfire where steven and yan still sat too close together and dante and galilea sat across from them talking, arwen and lian getting further and further away from my line of vision.

“galileo, galileo,” steven screeched in a poor attempt at imitating bohemian rhapsody; the queen song everyone loved. “what a funny name!” he said to galilea as i approached.

great, there was another reason of many to dislike steven. he was an american, and though there was nothing innately wrong with that, he was a redneck (the redest of red i’d ever met, even i knew there was far worse from what some said!).

steven believed in almost every stereotype there was. i just couldn’t understand the fascination yan had. if steven could live in china all of these years and still hold such bigoted idealogies, i was almost positive he’d never change.

“and dante?” steven chuckled as i sat beside yan. it was clear he was the only one finding any of this funny. “you’re evil, aren’t you? the inferno calling your name again?”

i clenched my fists, and the urge to punch him or jinx him into oblivion came over me, even here amongst wizards and witches who didn’t all have their magic. i didn’t do it, though.

if i couldn’t do it to bao, i wasn’t going to do it to steven of all people.

“very funny,” dante quipped. “takes one to know one, i reckon!” steven laughed, but i could tell from dante’s face he wasn’t kidding. he meant every word. i swayed my eyes to galilea, and then, to yan. they both looked visibly uncomfortable.

i know i was. that was for sure.

yan bunched her crimson-knit jumper into the palm of her hands, clenching onto it for what i assumed was comfort. she deserved so much better than this disrespectful man (the hypocrisy was visiting again! i, too, should know i merited better!).

the fire flickered avidly. it made my skin warm (and it wasn't from bao’s numerous slaps!). it brought heat in a different way, and i realised the awkard silence didn’t bother me as much as i’m sure it did the others.

yan was the first to speak. “how long will you both stay in china for?”

“只有六個月 (only six months),” galilea said. her chinese was poor, to say the very least, but i was surprised she knew any at all. most exchange students didn’t bother in an international school to learn the language even a bit.

“that’s a shame. there’s so much to see here,” steven voiced. i knew he was trying to make up for what he said, but i couldn’t bring myself to look at him. i’d always known he was bad news, and tonight had only clarified it further.

“i’ve been reading all about it! i hope i have time to visit all the places i desire before we go back home!” galilea smiled, passion in her eyes, and even if steven had already messed up numerous times tonight, i saw the way he drank her in. an object (a drink!) she was, to him. i felt queasy.

“welp,” dante stood, anger making his body convulse. i could see right through him. he wanted to rip straight into steven, and honestly, i would’ve let him without thinking twice of my decision. “anybody up for a swim?”

my mind raced. i couldn’t swim, not with these aching bones and held together by what might as well have been muggle glue ribs. i got up, trying not to cry out in pain.

“i would, but i don’t have my suit,” galilea sighed.

“and?” dante asked. “what do you think i’m going to swim in?”

“i don’t know but it better be something! if you go starkers (galilea turned to me as she used the british slang, a joyful glint in her regard!) i’ll do the technicolour yawn!” galilea uttered in disgust. the technicolour yawn? what does that mean? “it means i’ll throw up,” she clarified, reading my expression.

i laughed. i really, really laughed as we both walked closer to the bay.

“c’mon,” dante implored. “knickers, briefs, suits-- it’s all the same thing!”

i hated to admit it, but he was right. i mean, yeah, some bras and knickers were laced or see through, but for the most part, the two were indeed similar.

i recoiled, thinking of the waves and the way they’d lap against my ribcage-- the pain i’d endure if i couldn’t find some valid excuse to stay dry. i was overjoyed that galilea didn’t seem too keen on swimming either. 

“we’ll stay here,” steven declared. i wanted to make some snappy remark, but of course, just like before, i didn’t. what made him believe he could speak for yan (especially after his racist remarks and disrobing glares!)? who said yan didn’t want to swim as well? it made my carmine blood sizzle.

galilea offered me an understanding glance (i knew she already felt the same about steven as i did!) before giggling as dante tumbled over his own feet and fell head first into the sea. her laugh was so breathy, i swore, it was one with the wind of our environs.

“i was trying to do that!” dante promised, coming the surface with a mouthful of saltwater. i couldn’t even imagine how awful that must have tasted for him.

“of course you were!” galilea tittered as her brother rolled his eyes. it wasn’t long before he, too, was off.

i scanned the shores. lian and arwen were nowhere to be seen, but i trusted that was intentional and that the once boy who made me love quidditch had her safe and sound (hopefully in his arms!).

i looked back over to the blonde witch as she moved her pointer finger to her plump, strawberry lips.

“shh,” galilea sushed as she drew closer to me. my pulse quickened ever-so-slightly, and i watched as she grabbed the hem of her top and pulled it over her head, tumbling golden curls falling over what were her already bare shoulders. i didn’t dare look anywhere but her silvery blue eyes; saucers-wide, they were. “let’s go for a dip.”

i knew she could feel my insecurity.

“is this okay?” she asked bending her knees and grabbing the edge of my midnight blue dress that billowed off my thighs from the summer’s cool breeze.

i nodded as she gently pulled it over my head. i was now only wearing my undergarments and the necklace; the diagon alley one that made it all the way to yalong. my breath hitched, and i realised, she too, didn’t dare look anywhere but my face.

my ribs still pained me (of course!), but it didn’t matter.

“are you coming?” galilea wondered. she’d walked out in front of me, and her feet now kissed the shallow’s edge.

i nodded for the second time in a row, trying to understand why i felt so alive, and made my way to the sea, her hand gently in mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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