Chapter one

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Walking home had always freaked me out because of the high crime rate in the area I was living in, but today it was much worse. Recently, a particular killer has piqued interest in the city. Everyone calls him the 'Happy Face killer' because he cuts smiles into his victim's face. 

As I'm passing through the park near my apartment, I bumped into someone. Though I couldn't see his face properly, because of his mask, I knew he was only a little older than me. I apologized, and the man muttered something under his breath, then walked off.

"see you soon"

When I got home what the man had said was bothering me, he must have been on the phone or maybe I misheard him. I was on edge because of all this "happy face killer" stuff and when I spotted someone wearing a mask late at night I got spooked, but I mean where I live it's typical to wear a mask when you're sick.

When I entered the home, my parents greeted me with arguing, not wanting to get caught in the middle of it like last time I ran to my room and shut the door. I guess I won't be having dinner tonight.

I stared out the window at the street, that was the street where I lost my twin sister. When I was 8, I and my sister had been walking to the playground when I ran across the road because I saw a balloon or some stupid shit like that. I hadn't realized the car coming, and I almost got hit, but my sister pulled me out of the way.

In place of me, she had gotten hit and our family fell apart. My dad thought it was my mother's fault for letting two eight-year-olds go to the park on their own, and my mom said it was my dad's because he was always at work. They started fighting every night, still; they didn't get divorced because of me.

I decided I should stop putting myself down by thinking of the past, so I got on my computer and played a game. I always play games when I'm stressed, so I have a couple of friends on here.

When I open the app, I check to see if any of my friends are online. Looks like key2003 is online. I'll send him a quick message to see if he wants to join me in defeating a dungeon. After a while, he still hadn't messaged back yet so I assumed he's busy.

None of my other friends are online, so I have to go to a solo dungeon. As was finishing off a monster, I felt as if someone was watching me. I whipped my head around the room but saw nothing, decided it was nothing, and finished up my game.

Once I logged off, I laid down and was staring at the ceiling. It's around 11 o'clock so my parents must be asleep by now. I went out to grab some food, and as I was walking past the front door, I realized it was unlocked.

I remember locking it. When Mom and Dad were fighting, one of them probably got really upset and stormed out. I locked the door, thinking nothing of it, got some food, and headed back to my room.

By the time I hit my bed, it was already morning. Today is Monday the 15th of January, yippee another day of school. I threw on some jeans and a gray sweatshirt and headed to school.

The entire time I was walking to school I felt like I was being watched, but I ignored it. The school day felt long but short at the same time. Every day is the same I get up, go to school, go to bed, and repeat.

The only thing different each day is the books I read; the major character's life is always so exciting. Recently I've been getting into horror, because you never really know what's going to happen, unlike in other books where the protagonists always win and always get everything they want. In horror, sometimes it's the main characters even die at the end.

It's getting to where I can't ignore it anymore, I feel like I'm being watched. The entire day I tried to ignore it. This is really making me uncomfortable.

I went home, so I packed up my things and left the library. When I get home it's strangely quiet, I don't hear anyone yelling at each other. They must have gotten into a pretty big argument. I grabbed some chips in a few sodas and bring them to my room so I can put them in my mini-fridge. I plop down on my bed.

"Geez there's nothing to do here" I wine to myself 

I let the seconds tick by, and before I know it, it's already around 12 AM and I haven't slept a wink. I sit up and whip my head around to face the window.

I swear I just saw something move.


Hey, Welcome to my story! I hope you're enjoying it so far! Sorry if I made any mistakes with my grammar or spelling, if you find any just point it out to me and I'll fix it. I'll post the next part before next Friday! Remember to vote for the story if you liked it. :)

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