[2] Candy

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It was Saturday and you got up bright and early, you had got Tendō's number once you ran into him again at school.

The plan was to go out for a bit before you both went to the candy factory and to be honest you were excited.

You put your hair in a flattering style that fit your face, you decided to go with a large pink knit sweater, and a white skirt, with some white converse, it was plain but you weren't planning on dressing up that much you both were just hanging out.

Tendō on the other hand was stressed, he had his whole closet scattered, throwing clothes and shoes all around, his room looked like an laundry mat threw up on it, at one point Tendō was shouting and clawing at his skin.

He wanted to look good for you, after all this was a date, well to him at least, he had hoped you thought it was one as well.

"Tendō honey you alright in there?" Tendō's mother's asked knocking on the door lightly.

"I'M FINE!" Tendō shouts back.

Tendō's mother jumped from the loud voice, even though she wasn't face to face with Tendō, she was frightened from how he sounded.

"I'm not going! I'm not going! I'm not going! I'm not going!" Tendō crawled himself in a ball, repeatedly saying "I'm not going" while shaking heavily.

But i need to go, i can't bail on her she'll think I'm a dick.

"Okay I'll just wear something casual." Tendō was now calming himself down picking up some of the clothes that were scattered around and throwing it on his bed.

He sighed and observed the clothes, until he saw a plain black sweater and some grey sweatpants, it was plain, but he didn't want to stress himself out again so he just quickly put it on and ran out of his room.

"Tendō you going out somewhere?" His mother asks observing the boys outfit.

"Mhmm" He replies back.

"Where with who?" She asks.

"I'm going on a date with a girl I like." He responds back.

"A DATE?!?" She says in shock.

"Don't act so surprised mom..." He mumbles.

"I'm sorry hun it's just not often I see you with a girl, I'm so proud of you!" She squealed.

"Yeah, yeah I got to go."

"Bye have fun!"



"Hey thanks for picking me up, I don't have my license yet..." You mutter.

"It's okay you have a loveeelyyy home, from what I can tell on the outside of course." Tendō responds back.

You giggle from how he strings his words out, your little giggle gave Tendō instant butterflies, his face began to flush red, he quickly turned away and began driving.

"So (y/n) whereya want to go?"

"Uh I'm not sure we could go to the park maybe?" You offer.

"I loveee the park, smart idea!" Tendō patted your head and smiled, before turning his attention back on the road.

"What time do we have to get to the factory?" He asks.

"Uh around 11 a.m so we can get first in line." You respond back.

"So we have an hour." You add on.

Tendō nods and begins humming to himself, usually any other person would turn on music, but Tendō didn't, in fact he purposely didn't, he liked to hear your sighs and every so often when you scratch at your thighs.

Beautiful to Me (Yandere Satori Tendō x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now