[5] Happy Pills

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You walked into school with your head held down, everyone had heard the news and you really didn't feel like explaining to people on what happened, you yourself kept having flashbacks of the deceased body, it made you uneasy.

You'd hope to just go back to being the person nobody cared about, but it seemed you just couldn't, supposedly Semi told everyone that he was going on a date with you, so that plan of being unnoticed was completely debunked when everyone crowded around you, and started flooding you with questions and insults.

"How did his body look?"

"Did you kill him?"

"She's probably a murderer!"

"I told him he shouldn't have gone out with a freak like her."

"Don't go on a date with her if you want to live!"

"Is he really dead?"


"Look at her ignoring us who does she think she is?"

You quickly pushed the crowd and ran off, with tears filled in your eyes, it was overwhelming, too much attention, way too much, and you had nobody to run and go talk to, you were once again alone.

Or so you thought, but when you ran to your usual bench there sat Tendō eating a bar of chocolate, he had saw you and formed a large smile, but it quickly turned into a frown when he saw your facial expression.

You walked over and sighed lightly as you sat down, he scooted over to you leaving no space as always, and patted you head.

"There, there, you okay?" He asks now rubbing your back.

"Tendō I feel like a freak, no offense but I don't know how you do it, I don't know how you manage to take all these insults and attention." You say as your speaking begins to become shaky.

"Well I tend to ignore it, but if it gets to bad, I take my sugar pills!" He says looking at you.

"Sugar pills?" You repeat.

"Mhm well they're like happy pills, they make you happy and numb."

"Tendō can I have some of those?" You mutter.

"Yeah sure!" He digs in his pocket and grabs a little small bag containing the drug.

"Wait I thought it was like a prescription drug..." You say staring at the bag.

"No, but they aren't that addictive, you'll be fine look at me!" He says in a chirpy tone.

"Oh, well- I guess trying them won't hurt." Tendō hands you the bag and pats your head again.

"Thanks." You mutter.

"Hey uh Tendō why'd you leave for weeks and just um ignore me?"

Tendō went silent, biting his tongue for a second before speaking.

"I wasn't feeling good, than after I started feeling better I went to my grandparents retirement home for a bit to get help."

"Help?!" You ask repeating his response.

"Yeah, with my mental health, I get a little wonky sometimes, but I'm fine." He responds back.

"Oh well I'm glad you're okay!"

"Yeah but if you take those pills you'll feel okay as well!" He says poking at your thighs.

You laugh a bit from the feeling, which causes him to look up with a large smile at you.

"I make you happy? I'm like your happy pill!" He yelps.

"Mmm yeah sort of..."

"Mmm why sort of?" He asks in concern.

Beautiful to Me (Yandere Satori Tendō x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now